Giving Women a Voice

Tyndale House Publishers

When working on the New Living Translation there were many priorities including creating a translation that was accurate, true to Biblical scholarship, engaging to read, understandable so truth could be applied and lived out in daily life, and a translation that was crafted to be ideally suited for public reading. What a joy to see that vision come to life through ministries like her.Bible. We are so thankful Jenny Steinbach, associate producer of this amazing audio Bible, shared her story with us. We think you will love it too.

“How could God allow so much pain and suffering in the world?” Sarah asked as we sat in the crowded student union at University of Western Ontario.  I could relate from my own struggles with painful emotions that clouded the message of Jesus, even though I sat in church for many years. I pulled my maroon Living Bible out of my backpack to try to answer her questions about God and clearly communicate his Word.  As a Cru staff member, my passion has always been to help people connect with God in meaningful and understandable ways. I discovered that people without Bible knowledge could not understand the scriptures until they heard it in modern English. 

Fast forward to my years as a mom at home to four active little boys, my “quiet time” was very limited but my worn One Year Bible New Living Translation was a sanity saver as I read and reread it. Having a plan for each day was very helpful. Eventually my mother-in-law came to the Lord in her seventies and I bought her the same Bible. We had fun talking on the phone and discussing our daily readings. She was first generation Italian and not a confident reader. Seeing her grow because she could understand made me so happy.

A few years ago, I was working with the Cru City ministry in Orlando and enjoyed discipling women who were struggling with long term unemployment and poor self images.

I loved getting out the door and settling into the car with a cup of coffee to drive to work—until I got into rush hour traffic again. One morning, a red Toyota suddenly stopped in front of me and cut into the exit lane ahead of a long line of traffic. Anxiety kicked in as I checked my review mirror hoping I wouldn’t get rear ended at 60 miles per hour. I needed recovery time once I got to the office to be ready to face my teammates and coach our students. After work that evening, there was a heavy rainfall in Orlando and it took 90 minutes to get home.

Audiobooks became a great solution to distract me from the challenging drive to and from the office. I wanted to be Spirit-filled by the time I arrived at work to coach people who needed to trust God with their employment struggles. And listening to audiobooks on the way home was a way to unwind. I heard great men’s and women’s voices read some wonderful books for those two hours spent on the road every day. Sometimes, I listened to the Bible too, but the longer I listened, the more it felt as if something was missing.

I explored more Bible apps but soon learned that they used the same audio files of the exact same male readers. I was looking for something different. I was simply looking for a pleasant woman’s voice to read Scripture with compassion and kindness, yet with the authority God’s Word deserves. This was a silent space in the audio book world.

 One Sunday, my pastor gave a sermon about a woman from Ethiopia who had started an orphanage and was trusting God to provide for 100 orphans. The tears flowed because I felt distant from God’s work and powerless to change that. Then my pastor asked, “How has God gifted you?” and “What is the world waiting for you to do?”

The Lord spoke deep in my heart and told me that I had the background to produce a women’s audio Bible. I was shocked and afraid to tell anyone, but I woke up every morning feeling a burden to find a way to make this happen. Eventually I told my husband and my team and then had to find another job placement. This project was out of the box for Cru, but the Lord led me to the radio team, which had the expertise and the studio to help make this happen. Since Cru is such a large organization, where we fit into the mission, this is the first individual project I have ever owned.

Sometimes women’s jaws drop when they hear the idea of a women’s audio Bible because they grasp the need, but have not ever thought of it before. From my years helping to distribute the Magdalena film, in which Mary Magdalene narrates the story of Jesus, I knew that women who had experienced abuse or had emotional barriers to listening to God’s Word in a man’s voice, would experience a deeper connection with God. Globally, I knew there was a hunger for God’s Word in the “heart languages” of women too.

I wondered, if a modern Bible translation could be recorded in English, be available for free and utilize voices from different ethnicities, could it connect with younger listeners and those who learn orally? To me, only the New Living Translation would meet this need. Could this audio Bible  serve as a model to women leaders in other language groups and be replicated in a way they could use to reach the women of their countries?

Thus began the adventure of producing her.BIBLE in women’s voices. It began with a simple, personal longing to give women a “voice” as they hear God’s Word. We have our first partner, who is passionate to produce an audio Bible in women’s UK voices and we eagerly look forward to the Lord raising up women to produce their languages in their available Bibles.

Learn more about her.Bible

Getting the Conversation Going

Tyndale House Publishers

Sometimes it seems we are connected to everything, but each other. Ever try to start a conversation with your child about his or her day and met with, “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember.” Sometimes the hardest part is getting the conversation going. The Hands-On Bible is a great way to start a conversation. With interactive games, activities, crafts, and questions it helps you connect as a family and to God through His Word. Watch this video to see Jaxson and his dad enjoying the Hands-On Bible.

I Just Can’t Stop Reading

Tyndale House Publishers

by Molly Jo Nyman

Life is complicated. What if reading the Bible wasn’t?

Imagine a gathering of people with only God’s Word in their hands. No DVD curricula, no workbooks; simply a story, if you will, with no chapter and verse numbers, section headings, or footnotes. And after reading this Bible, imagine a discussion with no big agenda or intimidating questions. Instead, there’s simply conversation around questions you can’t get wrong.

This is the unique atmosphere created by Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience, and Nancy Tang was excited to share the impact it’s had within the church in Minnesota where she coordinates small groups.

“We’ve been loving the Immerse Bible series and have several groups reading. My group is on the fourth of six books, and we thoroughly enjoy spending time together simply reading the Word of God,” she said.

With the goal of providing the best reading experience, Immerse has a one-column layout that’s free of distractions. At a glance, it looks like an ordinary novel rather than God’s anointed revelation. For Tang and others, this new approach is subtle, even imperceptible, but delivers innumerable benefits and profound impact.

Whether readers are well-studied Christians or those opening the Bible for the first time, Immerse facilitates an unhindered awareness of God’s Word. And without the added verses numbers, chapter breaks, and other markers that were not in the original text, it encourages reading longer portions of the Bible.

Tang said, “There is something interesting that happens to my brain when I read without the headings. Someone in my group said, ‘I’ve read the Bible before, so I don’t know why this time is so different, but I just love it!’

“I invited a group of eight women to my home (pre-COVID) each Sunday afternoon to read through the Immerse: Messiah book. Each person in the group knew me but had no connection to each other prior to our meeting. Our 16 weeks together turned out to be a huge blessing. The women got to know each other, and it was great to see how our own experiences lent to the discussions. We had a mix of women who were new to reading the Bible and those who had read parts of it over many years. In either case, I often heard the comment ‘I didn’t know that was in the Bible,’ or ‘I didn’t know that was the meaning.’ It was rewarding to be with these women and watch the Word come alive.”

Joanne Schroeder is also involved at Tang’s church and noted the impact she’s experienced and observed.

“We’ve been using the Immerse Bible books in our women’s small group and have had a very positive response. The women have remarked that they’ve never been able to read through the Bible in this way before. Someone said, ‘I start reading the daily portion and find that I just keep reading well beyond that.’”

In addition to reading like a story, there’s also the support of reading it with others. Schroeder continued, “Several women are reading portions of the Scriptures that they either just missed or skipped before because they were difficult, but in this study with others, they are getting more understanding from what they are reading. The four questions help us to focus on listening to God’s Spirit as we read and discuss His Word together.

“I especially like that it is given to us in the New Living Translation, which is very readable and gives a new perspective on the familiar passages as well as the more obscure passages.”

Another church member, Wendy Seelhoff, added what might be the most impressive response to Immerse. Just a few women responded to her invitation to read every Tuesday evening, but they enjoyed it so much that the group grew, and they have consistently read together for almost two years.

Seelhoff said, “After we finished reading all six books, we enjoyed it so much that we decided to start all over again!”

Learn more about Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience

*Photos are not of group participants

Helping After Helping of God’s Word

Tyndale House Publishers

by Molly Jo Nyman

Whether it’s a man who reluctantly walks into church on a Wednesday afternoon, a church member facing an unexpected crisis, or a new believer trying to figure out how to follow Christ, Daniel Thrower is ready to engage and encourage. And as a Connections Pastor at Hope Church in upstate South Carolina, he’s very clear about his role on the front lines of spiritual battles.

“My goal is not to have people connect with me or my church; my ultimate goal is to connect people to God Himself.”

Knowing there’s no better way to do that than through the Word of God, Daniel gives out a lot of Bibles—and the New Living Translation is his Bible of choice.

“There’s no translation quite like it for making the Word of God accessible and palatable,” Daniel said. While Bible scholars may enjoy the debate on translation methods and accuracy, there is no question that the NLT is both faithful to the ancient texts and extremely readable.

“I think of it like this: Raw veggies may be slightly healthier, but if people can’t or won’t eat them, what good are they? The NLT adds a little salt and butter. Now I can eat helping after helping because it tastes so good!” Daniel explained.

In addition to his conclusion that spiritual nourishment from the NLT is “easy to absorb,” he’s observed another important feature. The NLT helps people grasp the heart of God as they read the Word of God.”

“As I listened to sermons where various translations are read out loud, the NLT stood out to me every time I heard it. It felt warm and had a natural flow. Because I want people to love Scripture, this is a great way for them to read it,” Daniel said. “If the Bible feels like a foreign language, distant and hard to understand, people can project that on to God.”

As Daniel meets with people at critical times, he’s not offering a quick fix, but rather an eternal perspective.

“I grow oak trees not okra. So I’m laboring knowing there will be slow development. I’ve found the NLT to be the easiest way to let people ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’ (Psalm 34:8) so they are able to cultivate a real love for God’s Word.”

Inspire Bible Ambassador Spotlight: Barbie

Tyndale House Publishers

We are thrilled to feature beloved Bible journaler Barbie Ramirez of Contigo Arts in our Inspire Prayer Bible Ambassador Spotlight! We believe you will be incredibly blessed as she shares her beautiful heart, story, faith, art, advice, and prayers with you.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hi! My name is Barbie, I’m from Costa Rica, and I am 43 years old. I’ve been married for 22 years, and we have two daughters: my eldest is 21, and my youngest is 15. I studied Psychology, and I am a Christian, you can say, since birth. I am a very sociable and friendly person, and I enjoy serving others. I love to help, teach, and guide others to know Jesus.

What are some of your favorite hobbies? (Besides Bible journaling in your Inspire Bible, of course!)

Well, of course Bible journaling is my favorite hobby. I also enjoy drawing and painting, and my preferred technique is watercolors. I love all arts and craft. I’m not good in the kitchen or in sports, but I give my best effort. People around me say I have the gift of prayer. I’m not sure it’s true, but what I do know for certain is that I love to pray, and I do it sincerely and constantly.

Tell us when you first encountered God and how your choice to follow him has impacted your life.

My parents led me to God at an early age. They not only instilled in me Christian values and principles but also taught me to love and respect God and his Word as well as to obey and share it with others. Even though I grew up in church, often times I felt like the lost coin of the parable, lost inside the house. I never left church or stopped going physically, but sometimes my heart was in another place. God in his mercy always sought me, and he found me, forgave me, cleansed me, and bestowed his wonderful love upon me.

I can say that every day is a struggle to fight against natural tendencies, but I feel his presence and compassion every day, in every step of the way. I have had moments of pain and loneliness, but it is in these moments where I have found a faithful and constant friend in Jesus.

Who (or what) has had the biggest influence on helping you grow in your faith?

I have always been a simple girl. I grew up in a humble home, but it was filled with love. My parents were and still are (even after death) a great influence. Their advice and counseling continue to help and guide me along the way. However, finding Bible journaling has given me a new perspective of how to have a relationship with God and his Word.

Five years ago, I would have never thought that I could be capable of drawing or painting. I discovered these talents thanks to Bible journaling, and I began to experiment with it. Today it’s my favorite thing. I need it, and it’s my way of spending time with God.

How has Bible journaling impacted your faith?

When days go by without painting my Bible, I feel empty and lost. I not only enjoy painting but also teaching others, that they can also discover the treasure that God gave me of illustrating the Bible. I’ve learned to seek God through his Word, and this has helped me in many areas of my life. It has strengthened my relationship with family, friends, and even myself, and it has enabled me to have more empathy and compassion toward others. It has changed my perspective on life and has given me a new reason to share the love of God, filling others’ worlds with color and hope.

When did you first start Bible journaling?

I began 3 years ago, but before that, when I found out it existed, I would just watch other women’s work, wishing I could be one of them.

Do you have any tips to share about how to stay close to God each day?

I believe putting God in the position of friend and confidant in your life is a way of having an encounter with him in each moment. This gives you the opportunity to have him close, speak to him of your feelings, your thoughts, what you are afraid of or causes uncertainty. You can consult every decision to know what his purpose for your life is. To reflect and meditate in his Word has helped me to know what God thinks of me, what he desires for me, what offends or hurts him. If you think on it, these are three things that you do with a friend or a person that you love.

1.Decide to let him come into your life and become a part of it.
2.Speak (pray) constantly, tell him all about everything.
3.Give yourself the opportunity to know him, so you can fall in love with him through the reading of his Word and reflect your feelings through the art in the Bible journaling or Bible diary.

We should be eager to imitate Jesus and follow his example of life, sacrifice, and service. It will give us purpose and a reason in life as we feel near to Jesus. We should look to bless others; caring for the little ones is the task that he gave us. It will give us great satisfaction and fill our hearts when someone we have blessed gives us a smile, gives us thanks or a hug. You will feel deep down that you are fulfilling the mission.

Who is your favorite person in the Bible and why?

I feel identified with many Bible characters that I definitely look forward to speak with when I get to heaven. But the one that inspires and comforts me the most and who I am eager to be with is Jesus. My heart is filled with emotion as I imagine that moment, when I can hug and kiss his feet and live eternally giving thanks and praise for his love and for saving me.

What Bible verse would you like to encourage others with today?

My favorite Bible text is Galatians 2:20, but the one that cheers me up and gives me hope is John 16:33, which says:

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, Because I have overcome the world.”

We are living in difficult times. The world is free-falling toward chaos, violence, and confusion. It’s good to know that even though it seems that everything is getting worse, God has a plan, and that in the end of history, he is victorious, and we will have victory in him and because of him.

Would you like to say a prayer for the person reading this right now?

Of course, this is one of the things that I most enjoy doing.

Dear Jesus, we just want to thank you for your infinite love. Because of your providence, I can get in touch with the person that is reading this prayer in this moment. I do not know this person’s name, life, or situation, but you know them by name, even before they were born, and even from that moment, you have loved them.

They are wonderfully made, unique and unrepeatable. Your desire is that they know and understand that they are important to you; that whatever is causing anguish will be resolved soon; that even as they face difficult situations, you, Lord, are by their side; that they have never been alone, and you will never leave them alone.

I pray they will trust in you, Lord, with all their heart. May they leave all their burdens in your hands and look into the future with optimism, knowing you have great plans for them. We know that he who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion. If someone feels like they are a lost case, remind them that you have not finished with them yet!

In Jesus’ powerful name we pray, Amen.

May God bless you; I’m sending you my hug and best regards wherever you may be.

Connect with Barbie on Instagram.

Connect with the Inspire Bible community on Instagram.

My Story: The Most I Have Read the Bible in My Life

Tyndale House Publishers

We love hearing how God is using our Bibles to draw people closer to him. Recently, we heard from a pastor friend who had shared a Life Application Study Bible with a member of his congregation who was overwhelmed by the circumstances. We are so thankful that this Bible is bringing truth and hope!

“I have almost finished reading Romans. This is the most I have ever read the Bible in my life. The Bible you gave me has been life-changing. Much of what I’ve been told is truth is not what is in this Word. It has helped me through depression, some pent up past bad emotions. When my loved one died on Christmas morning I didn’t feel sad because I knew he was a true follower of Christ. I was overjoyed that he finally gets to be where we truly belong. It’s been a pretty awful year (actually a pretty awful few years) but I know Jesus is pulling me through the storm.” – Life Application Study Bible reader.

Learn more about the Life Application Study Bible 




20 Years. 20 Bibles. Eternal Legacy

Tyndale House Publishers

Every year for 20 years, Hank has read through a One Year Bible. But reading these Bibles goes beyond personal edification or completing a resolution. They are his legacy to spur others on in their Bible reading and inspire them to grow in their relationship with Christ.

“I love the Bible. It’s such a joy to read it, and I just want everyone to have that joy and understand what it can give you,” said Hank.

“For 20 years I have read through a One Year Bible, and each year I dedicated it to a family member. The notes in the margin were personal, such as ‘This is my prayer for you.’ I’ve underlined, circled, and highlighted many passages, letting them know what inspires me. It is my legacy to them,” said Hank.

Through these Bibles, Hank has encouraged a love for God’s Word in others. Sharing his struggles, joys, failures, and triumphs as he moves closer to God has been a comfort and a catalyst for his family members to grow deeper in their understanding of God through his Word.

“When I give it to them and they read it, they always come back saying, ‘I didn’t know you were going through that’ or ‘when you wrote this it helped me to better understand what I was facing.’ The Bible gives me joy whenever I read it, and I get joy by sharing it with others. The more you get into it, the more your joy will grow,” said Hank.

In 2020, Hank read through The One Year Pray for America Bible.

“I especially love the prayers that have to do with that day’s reading. . . . I also love the prayers you’ve inserted throughout the Bible, such as a prayer by Dr. Pridgeon for the anniversary of 9/11,

or the prayer by the Rev. Samuel Smith spoken July 4, 1831, or the broadcast by FDR on D-Day on radio, June 6, 1944. What a wonderful Bible!” said Hank.

We are excited to hear what Bible he will be using in 2021!

What Bible will you be reading through this year? Still not sure which one is right for you? Check out all our One Year Bible options.

Readers All Over the World


We are so thankful that the NLT resonates with Bible readers all over the world. Here is what one reader shared with us:

thank you so much I always enjoy this Bible Translation new living translation that I went and bought the hard copy though it was hard to see and the cost wasn’t a problem I enjoyed it enjoyed reading it and enjoying the audio part of it as in I can read my Bible with the audio or all with the audio in the software in the Bible app software I used and shared it with my family and friends and everybody, this translation is wonderful I used to save important things and lessons in the bookmark section, and is helping me a lot am very very happy thank you for getting work done, this is a blessing and may God bless u all in the name of our Lord Jesus amen.

Finding and Living a New Life

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT

Raised in a home of drug addicts, Tim Nickels saw getting high as just part of the daily routine. He remembers the first time he realized his homelife was different from that of other families.

“When I was in first grade, my dad got high with my teacher. When I told my friends, my teacher was fired. My dad told me that I couldn’t talk about it and that our lifestyle was a secret. Even at that young age, I started to realize that something was wrong.”

But Tim didn’t heed that warning in his heart. He followed in his dad’s footsteps and started living in addiction. But although he was chained to drugs and alcohol, he had the desire to break free, and he tried numerous times on his own to get clean and start over.

During one fitful night, he had a dream about hell that shook him to his core. He woke up sweating and crying. A new craving started to overtake him—a craving for a relationship with Christ. He desperately wanted to know about him, so he turned to a King James Version Bible that was sitting on a shelf in his house.

“I got so frustrated that I couldn’t understand it,” remembers Tim. “But then a woman gave me a Life Application Study Bible, and it blew me away. It was like a whole new world had been opened up to me. A Bible translation I could understand, and then notes, books introductions, commentary—I just devoured it! I couldn’t get enough.”

After pouring over the Bible, he knew that he needed to get involved in a church. He found a local congregation and attended a service where an evangelist was preaching.

Tim’s son was dedicated by the pastor who helped him find new life in Christ

“I surrendered right there to Jesus, and he took away my desire for drugs and alcohol. I had tried over and over again on my own, but it was only in Jesus that I found true freedom. Twenty-five years later, I’m still free.”

Tim continued to read his Life Application Study Bible and was drawn to 1 Samuel 16:7: “People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

“This spoke to me,” Tim recalls. “God can use anyone if they are willing.”

God was about to make his plan very clear to Tim.

“My pastor told me that he thought God was calling me to be a pastor. Me? I was so scared. I thought, I can’t do this! But I followed his will for my life, and I am so thankful!” Now Tim has been a pastor for over twenty years, and he currently leads a church in Kentucky.

Tim’s love of the Bible has continued to grow. He even has a YouTube channel where he reviews Bibles. Though he reads lots of translations, he has a special place in his heart for the New Living Translation.

“It is definitely one of my top recommendations for anyone who is struggling to understand the Bible,” says Tim. “And yes, I recommend the Life Application Study Bible to many who are trying to understand how to live out what the Bible says. I am an example of how God can use any of us if we submit to him and keep our eyes focused on him.”

Learn more about the Life Application Study Bible

Inspire Prayer Bible Ambassador Spotlight: Lynn

Over the course of the next several months we are going to shine the spotlight on some of our Inspire Prayer Bible Ambassadors as a way to encourage all of us to keep living boldly for Jesus and to shine his light brightly wherever God has us!

Meet Lynn. She is one of our Inspire Prayer Bible Ambassadors. We asked her to tell us a little bit about herself in the interview below. She and so many other Bible journalers are using their gifts and passions as ambassadors for Christ. God has called all of us to draw others into greater awareness of his abounding love and grace and truth.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Lynn: I am a wife, mother and a follower of Christ. I live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Alberta Canada in a little farmhouse along the river. I have two amazing grown children, and three furbabies who keep me company in my studio. I love to Bible journal and participate in Bible studies with my family and friends.

What are some of your favorite hobbies? (Besides Bible journaling in your Inspire Bible, of course!)

Lynn: I love to read, bake, cook, take hikes in the mountains, spend time with my family and walks with the pups along the river.

Tell us when you first encountered God and how your choice to follow him has impacted your life.

Lynn: Since I was small, my family attended church and I went to a Christian school. When I got married, we continued our faith by raising our family in the church. God has always been part of my life. In following Christ, my life and faith have been enriched in so many ways. Prayer being a big part of my daily life. My motto is “Let Go and Let God”. When I’m stressed or overwhelmed, I turn to Him for guidance, comfort and strength. I know that I am never alone as He walks along side of me each and every day.

Who (or what) has had the biggest influence on helping you grow in your faith?

Lynn: Where I live there are only eight houses in the valley, and all of our neighbors are Christians. We started a weekly Bible study together which really helps me stay focused on His word and His message as we gather together to read and study. We have even nicknamed ourselves The River Sisters. We encourage, support and pray for each other, taking time to talk, walk and have coffee dates. We are truly a community of faith right here in this little river valley.

How has Bible journaling impacted your faith?

Lynn: I grew up reading the Bible, but I will honestly say my faith took a gigantic leap when I started Bible Journaling. I find that as I journal or create in my Bible, I reflect on the Scripture. It’s not just reading; it’s immersing myself in His word for longer periods of time and bringing His word to life through art.

When did you first start Bible journaling?

Lynn: My sister got me started Bible Journaling. I had been scrapbooking for years, and when I saw her Bible, I immediately went home, ordered a journaling Bible and sharpened up my pencil crayons. After about six months, I started creating elements for journaling which lead me to create a Facebook group and a little Etsy shop. The community of women that I have met has been such a blessing in my life and I love spending my days learning and growing with the community through studies and art.

Do you have any tips to share about how to stay close to God each day?

Lynn: Before I open my eyes, I say a morning prayer and then I feel ready to take on the day. Whether it’s reading, studying or creating, it’s the first thing I try to do each day. It keeps me focused on Him. Even if it’s five minutes, it warms my soul. In the evening before bed, I pray a prayer of thanks for my blessings and lessons I’ve learned that day. In creative worship, always remember it’s not what you do, or how you do it, just do it for Him. He loves you and created you to be unique.

Who is your favorite person in the Bible and why?

Lynn: I love many people in the Bible, but Jeremiah is one of my favorites. He was a prophet that had such an important message from God. He was such a faithful servant whose life was not an easy one, and he has such depth and dimension in his messages. He was not always well received when spreading Gods message, but he was determined and His faith was unwavering.  To me he was such a shining light in a dark time.

What Bible verse would you like to encourage others with today?

Lynn: This Bible verse from Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse. It has brought me such comfort throughout my journey of faith.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'”

Would you like to say a prayer for the person reading this right now?

Lynn: Dear Lord, shine your light on your faithful servant today. Bring them comfort in trying times, strength to endure and hope for the future. Guide them in their journey of faith, walk alongside them today so they can feel your presence. Gather them into your loving arms. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Connect with us and Lynn on Instagram:

Be inspired! @theinspirebible

Lynn: @lynn.shoko

Want to meet another Inspire Prayer ambassador? Check out our interview with Riley.