Receive the Gift

Tyndale House Publishers

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23, NLT

Article from the Streetlights New Testament

A closed hand cannot receive a gift, no matter how great it is, how much the giver paid for it, or how powerfully the person receiving it might benefit. Therefore, closed hands and hearts can never receive God’s gift of eternal life and the eternal debt of sin paid.

So how will you respond to Romans 6:23?

If you sense you have a debt of sin that has never been paid and are convicted that your life needs an answer for the wrong you are a slave to, then come to Christ. Receive His gift of eternal life. He is merciful and generous, and He will not turn away anyone who humbly opens his or her heart to accept His life paid on behalf of their debt. He will free you from sin, death, and eternal condemnation. That is an incredible gift!

If you have received this gift, don’t forget what Christ has done. The gift still applies to us today, especially through the sin struggles we all face this side of heaven. God’s grace is sufficient for your past, present, and future. His gospel is the gift that keeps giving generously. You are no longer a slave to sin if you are in Christ!

Listen to Romans 6 from the Streetlights Bible

The Streetlights New Testament was created to cut through all the misconceptions about the Bible. To encourage you to listen to, read, and study it yourself with fresh ears and hearts. With a scan of a QR code readers can access the Streetlights audio New Testament and additional engaging content designed for youth. Learn more about Streetlights.

Those Who Seek God

Tyndale House Publishers

Think and Pray Feature from the Streetlights New Testament

“Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message. The Jewish believers* who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too. For they heard them speaking in other tongues* and praising God. Then Peter asked, ‘Can anyone object to their being baptized, now that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?’ So he gave orders for them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Afterward Cornelius asked him to stay with them for several days.” Acts 10:44-48, NLT.

Even if we know much more about Jesus Christ, God’s Word, Christ’s church, and God’s eternal plan than Cornelius did, we can still tend to grow apathetic and not hunger for God. But one lesson we should take away from this story is that those who seek God will be rewarded! Cornelius knew very little about God, but he sought Him in prayer and by giving to the poor. For Cornelius, the message of the gospel being extended to people beyond the Jews came as an unexpected and great gift.

Are you thankful, like Cornelius was? Do you approach God consistently out of awe and gratitude for what He has done? How did God bring you the Good News of Christ’s forgiveness for your sins? When have you been challenged to share the knowledge of His grace with other people who have backgrounds different from your own?

The Streelights New Testament combines print and audio to create a compelling experience for all readers, but aimed at teens and young adults. Learn more about the Streetlights New Testament

Are you paralyzed by fear?

Tyndale House Publishers

“Joseph of Arimathea took a risk and went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. (Joseph was an honored member of the high council, and he was waiting for the Kingdom of God to come.)” Mark 15:43, NLT

Taken from the Streetlights New Testament

Fear of what others may think or do to us because we follow Jesus Christ can be intimidating, especially when we first start following Him. The risk is real and should be expected. Following Christ does come with a cost, but the rewards are many.

Joseph of Arimathea was transformed from a timid, hidden Christian into a bold representative of Christ. God can do this in all of us. There had to be a moment after Jesus’ death when Joseph was convicted and said, You know what? I loved Jesus Christ, His death was wrong, and I will not be ashamed anymore! His faith was put into action, and his fear was defeated. He understood that being bold for Christ was worth far more than being ashamed of the God he believed in.

Timidity is a natural temptation for all believers in Christ. But God calls us to be unashamed and to ask Him for boldness to represent His reality to our world—no matter the cost! Fear has a way of paralyzing our faith, but God can transform us into believers who are willing to live out our faith both in private and in public. What are some fears that paralyze you? How has God caused you to become bolder in your faith in front of other people?