Have You Looked in the Mirror Recently?

Tyndale House Publishers

The Life Recovery Bible has helped millions of people meet the only one who can break the chains of addiction. Helping readers encounter God through his Word and study Scripture with notes and features created by addictions experts to specifically combat the hold addictions have, the Life Recovery Bible is a resource for new life. Each feature in the Life Recovery Bible leads readers to powerful resources for recovery that are found in Scripture. Articles and guides offer help to anyone starting or running recovery groups at a church or in the community.

The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous is the foundation for many recovery programs. The Life Recovery Bibleconnects these steps back to Scripture, allowing God to take over. Throughout the Bible you will read devotionals that are based on the 12 Steps and emphasize how God’s Word can transform lives. Read this Step 10 devotional based on James 1:21-25.

Step 10: We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

“So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls. But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.” James 1:21-25, NLT

How many times do we look in the mirror each day? Suppose we looked in the mirror and found that we had mustard smeared around our mouth. Wouldn’t we immediately wash our face and clean up the problem? In the same way, we need to routinely look at ourselves in our “spiritual mirror,” the Bible. Then if anything is wrong, we can take the proper steps to fix it.

James uses a similar illustration to show how God’s Word should be like a spiritual mirror in our life. He said: “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it” (James 1:22-25).

This illustration supports the sensibleness of making a routine personal inventory. As we examine our life, we need to respond with immediate action if something has changed since we last looked. If we put off taking care of a problem, it may soon slip our mind. Just as we would think it foolish to go all day knowing there is mustard on our face, it is not logical to notice a problem that could lead to a fall and not correct it promptly.

From Monster to Mentor: A Life Recovery Story

Tyndale House Publishers

The Life Recovery Bible emphasizes God as the ultimate source of recovery and offers essential tools and features to break people free from the grip of addiction. It is widely embraced in 12 Step recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, correctional facilities, and by individuals seeking help taking their life back from destructive behaviors and substances. Millions of lives, like Peter’s, have been transformed with the help of the Life Recovery Bible.

Read Peter’s story:

I grew up in a violent alcoholic home and became the monster I swore I would never be. It still pains me to think about my rock bottom. Around 2001, I began, one way or another, to try to wrestle the monkey off my back, and I just couldn’t do it. I was the “In and Out Kid”: 30, 60, 90 days sober, and then a jag; 30, 60, 90 days sober, and then a jag.

At one of these points, I remember sitting in the basement of a local Alano Club after about 90 days in, and a very spiritual man looked me in the eye and said, “You know, you’re about due. I can see a bender on the horizon. There’s a jag coming around the bend like a freight train that’s on the loose. You need to get a Recovery Bible.”

I had never heard of such a thing. I said, “What’s that?” And he said, “Well it’s a Bible that is the Word of God, the Living Word of God, but it’s annotated and footnoted by and for people in recovery.” Well, I left at that moment and drove down to Eau Claire, WI, which is a bigger town around here, and I went to the Christian bookstore and bought myself a Life Recovery Bible. That changed the vector of my life! From that point on, one reading at a time, one day at a time, one step at a time, one prayer at a time, it worked.

A few years later, one of the elders at the church I had been attending saw me knit together recovery and Christ using the Life Recovery Bible, and he suggested, “You need to start a group here.” At the time, I guess pride had crawled back into me, and I kept telling him, “Yah, I’ll pray on that, and I’ll get back to you.” Life was good, you know? The wife wasn’t afraid of me, the kids weren’t afraid of me, the police weren’t pulling me over three times a week, the boss didn’t want to fire me. I was just fat and happy.

Then once again the Holy Spirit used a 2×4 to get my attention, and I found myself out of a job, so I went to God in prayer. I can still hear that voice in my head that told me, “Ah, schedule opened up, has it?!? Got a little time for me now?!?” We began a Life Recovery Group on December 5th of 2009 at that same church, and it has since grown and sprouted into 8 different meetings at 5 different churches locally—and the ones in prison and jail, as well.

Using the NLT Translation Philosophy in German

Tyndale House Publishers

Did you know that the full New Living Translation is available in seven different languages and that the New Testament of the NLT is in two additional languages? These are not translations of the English version into other languages. Instead, translators and biblical scholars from the places that speak those languages use the NLT translation philosophy to translate the ancient texts into their modern-day languages.

In Germany we partner with SCM R. Brockhaus to share God’s Word through the NLB (the German NLT). Here is an update on their struggles and joys as they bring God’s Word to those who speak German.

by SCM R. Brockhaus

About 25 years ago, then publisher Friedrich Hänssler was looking for a way to put a new communicative Bible translation on the German market. There was something missing for German Bible readers. There were some communicative Bible translations, but they were not well received for several reasons, like lack of fidelity to the text or having a theological bent that did not go over well with many of our readers.

Friedrich Hänssler believed the NLT could make a significant impact on readers who were looking for an accurate translation that was also enjoyable to read. He saw the NLT as the right combination of Bible translation with appropriate accuracy, while still being very communicative.

Germany has a special situation when it comes to Bible translations. With the strong dominance of the Lutheran Church on the one hand and the Catholic Church on the other, most people only know the dominant translations: the Protestant Luther translation and the Catholic Einheitsübersetzung (“Unity Translation”). They are “unbeatable” in the Bible market due to their strong church and school use.

Beyond this, however, the German NLT has gained a significant place in Bible translations. Though there are no studies or valid data about market share for German Bible translations, we estimate it to be about the fifth most used translation among 12 major translations. The German Life Application Study Bible is one of the best-selling study Bibles in Germany for the last 20 years. Our teen and kids editions are also very popular for readers.

Most churches, apart from those mentioned above, have no preferred Bible translation for congregational use. What translation is used in churches varies greatly, as does the preferred Bible translation for personal use. Many people own several Bible translations. Apart from the very conservative wing of the Russian-German congregations, who almost only use the Schlachter Bible, there are no major faith disputes about the correct Bible translation, which allows people the opportunity to experience the power of reading the German NLT.

We continue to see a very positive future for the German NLT. After almost 25 years, we are currently in the process of revising the text of the NLT to make it even more accessible to our audience and to attract new readers.

Learn more about our partner in Germany

Get Into the Bible Together!

Tyndale House Publishers

When we think of the Bible, we often relate it to our own personal quiet time with God or maybe to a special gift that could encourage a loved one into a deeper conversation with God. But have you ever considered that the Bible could be a powerful means to foster connections within your community? If you are looking to come together as a church in God’s Word or are wanting to make an impact in your broader community, here are a few ideas.

Courage For Life Study Bible for Women and Courage for Life Study Bible for Men have 1,464 Bible studies—that’s a Bible study on every page of Bible text. The men’s and women’s editions have the same format, so they can be used together or separately. Four basic steps allow you to study the Bible inductively, guiding you to accurately interpret and apply God’s Word. These four steps are important for studying Scripture with courage and confidence:

Pray: As you approach God’s Word, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.
Observe: Ask, “What does the Bible text say?”
Interpret: Ask, “What does the Bible text mean?”
Apply: Ask, “As I reflect on what I’ve read in God’s Word, what do I need to do?”

Learn more about these Bibles

Filament Bible Collection journals are perfect for Bible studies, sermon series, and outreach. Each journal is a book or series of books from the New Testament. They have a single-column format, and every other page is blank—perfect for note-taking. Scan a page with a phone or tablet to access the Filament Bible app’s content for the book or books you are studying. See all the journals and sets.

The One Year Pray for the Family Bible is a dynamic way to pray for our own families and the broader family of God. Created with Focus on the Family, this Bible uses the One Year Bible reading plan, and each day’s reading includes a prayer prompt, which focuses on some of the most pressing issues facing families today. As a church, why not spend a month focusing on praying for the needs of families and also give people in your church community the opportunity to continue praying all year using The One Year Pray for the Family Bible? Sample this Bible with a free downloadable one week reading plan

Streetlights New Testament brings audio and print together in an exciting new format. Working with our friends at Streetlights, we have created a Bible portion that resonates with urban communities and younger generations. By scanning a QR code, readers can link to remarkably creative study content and audio resources that explain Christian truths and serve as a basic discipleship tool. Its unique tone and approach to the gospel have a strong appeal to many who are searching for an unconventional way to connect with God’s Word. Get your copies to start engaging.

Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience was created for reading in community. The entire Bible is split into six volumes. Reading plans, videos, and other resources are available to help your church, book club, Bible study, or neighborhood group engage with God’s Word together. Immerse removes many of the barriers that make Bible reading difficult, paving the way for deep connection with God and others through the Scriptures. Start with Messiah, the entire New Testament in one softcover book.

Inspire Portions allow your community to get creative while studying God’s Word. These coloring-book-style Bible portions provide a way to reach out to people who are looking to engage with God’s Word in a more tactile way. They feature high-quality art paper that works well with all art supplies. . Coloring and creative art-journaling options appear throughout the portions, and the Bible text is displayed beautifully in a single-column, wide-margin, spacious layout. Consider starting a Bible-journaling study or group!

Outreach Bibles are economy-priced, full-text Bibles available only in bulk order. Designed for outreach efforts, these Bibles include resources like how to become a Christian and basics on how to use a Bible. They are available in a softcover full size edition, large print edition, children’s edition, and New Testament portion. See the options

NLT Church Bible is another way to share God’s Word with your church and broader community. This Bible comes in hardcover, which is more durable than a softcover, and creates a great reading experience for someone who is new to God’s Word. Order the NLT Church Bible

A Dream Come True

Tyndale House Publishers

That’s what several Bible journaling enthusiasts said when we announced we would be releasing our beloved coloring and journaling Bible—the Inspire Bible—with access to the Filament Bible app. For years we have had people requesting a coloring and journaling study Bible, but due to size limitations, that kind of Bible was basically impossible. Thanks to the Filament Bible app, we now have a way to make that dream a reality. A coloring and journaling Bible with all the study notes, resources, and even more features than a traditional study Bible without taking up any of the creative space! The new Inspire FAITH Bible is filament-enabled, but that’s not all. It’s a completely new edition in our Inspire Bible line with fresh line-art verses and updated margins for Bible journaling fans.

The Inspire FAITH Bible has 655 new faith-themed Scripture illustrations scattered throughout the Bible. These gorgeous images include line-art Scripture verses to color as well as full-color vellum pages interspersed throughout the pages of the Bible. This visually stunning Bible is available in two covers: LeatherLike watercolor floral and hardcover coral blossom.

The engaging and accurate New Living Translation text is the highlight of this Bible. Set in a single-column format, it has an 8.65 text font, which is larger and more readable than most full-size journaling Bibles. The extremely roomy, lightly ruled, three-inch-wide margins and high-quality Bible paper make it the perfect choice for creatively responding to God’s Word right on the pages of the Bible.

Ready to go further in your Bible study? Download the Filament Bible app on your smartphone or tablet. Once the Bible is linked to the app, just scan the page number to access thousands of resources, including study notes, theme articles, people profiles, devotionals, worship music, interactive maps and graphics, videos, reading plans, and more.

Read, reflect, and respond to God’s voice as you grow closer to him using the Inspire FAITH Bible.

Finding Your Way to Engage with God’s Word

Tyndale House Publishers

God created us all unique. He intentionally made us to be different. But what we all have in common is that we are created in God’s image and made to yearn for a relationship with him. God gave us his Word to help us draw closer to him, understand who he is, and discover our role in his story of redemption. How we each engage with God’s Word is just as unique as how he made us! There are lots of great ways to engage with Scripture, and at Tyndale Bibles, we try to provide a variety of options to help you find the one (or ones) that work best for you. Here are a few ideas:

For the Reader

Do you often find yourself immersed in a good story? Can’t stop at the end of one chapter? The Bible is an incredible story, but sometimes instead of reading the Bible, we scrutinize it. Study is a great tool to better understand the truth of the Bible, but we can miss so much if we don’t read it as it was meant to be read.

Immerse: The Reading Bible is the Bible divided into six volumes. It removes chapter and verse numbers for a more seamless reading experience. These paperback volumes help you easily read full passages instead of tiny verse nuggets. Clearing away distractions lets you immerse yourself in the story.

This is a perfect Bible for the booklover—or for anyone who wants to read deeply and bask in the story of God’s love for us!

For the Investigator

Some of us have very analytical minds. We are always asking questions, looking for intricate details, and longing to know more. We want to investigate and learn all we can about a situation or a person. There are some amazing study Bibles that can take us deeper into understanding biblical topics and truths, cultural and historical perspectives, and particular Bible books and passages.

The NLT Study Bible is a great Bible to help you on your investigative journey. Filled with thousands of study notes, maps, and insightful articles, it helps you take that deeper dive into Scripture. For even more insight, you might want to try a commentary series, like the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary series or the Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary series.

The Best of Both Worlds

Sometimes we like a little of everything. We want a great reading experience, but we also enjoy the opportunity to go deeper and learn more about a passage or topic by using quickly accessible study resources.

Filament-enabled text Bibles offer the perfect combination of reading and study. They are beautiful print Bibles that come in lots of great sizes—from compact Bibles that you can easily throw into a bag to super giant print Bibles (with 16-point font!) and so many in between. But the convenience doesn’t stop there. When you download the Filament Bible app, you can open a world of resources just by scanning each page number with your phone or tablet. Dive into study notes, articles, devotionals, interactive maps and graphics, videos, and more! So read deeply, and when you’re ready, just scan the page number and start exploring!

The Filament-enabled Student Life Application Study Bible gives you access to over 27,000 notes between the in-print and in-app content! And we are welcoming three Filament-enabled editions to our bestselling journaling and coloring Bible, the Inspire Bible—adding countless study resources without taking up any journaling space.

So many options!

For the Visual Learner

Some of us are visual learners. We are better able to understand concepts and ideas when we see images or illustrations. We are drawn to art, photography, and infographics because they help us gain additional insight.

The Illustrated Study Bible is a stunning visual study experience. Filled with comprehensive study notes, articles, and profiles, it goes beyond the Scripture text to bring the Bible to life with visuals. The who, what, where, when, and why of the Bible jump off the page with stunning photos, illustrations, infographics, and full-color maps that integrate seamlessly with the scholarly study material. A feast for the eyes, mind, and soul!

For Those Who Ask, “Now What?”

After reading the Bible, do you ever ask yourself, “Now what?” We know the Bible is filled with amazing, transformative truth, but what do we do with it?

The Life Application Study Bible takes the Bible off the page and into your life. Because it understands that God’s Word is more than just a textbook to be studied, this Bible helps you impact your day-to-day with the things you’re learning and reading. Thousands of notes, profiles, maps, charts, and articles make it not only one of the most comprehensive study Bibles available, but also one of the most practical.

For the Creative

God is the Creator, and his creative imprint is on many of our lives. Sometimes we worship through our artistic abilities and bask in his peace through coloring and journaling.

The Inspire Bible collection was created for those who enjoy worshiping through the visual arts. It has hundreds of Scripture-based line-art drawings to color as well as roomy 2.25-inch-wide margins for taking notes or creating your own unique art.

For those not interested in line art, consider a Filament Bible Journal. Each volume in this collection presents an individual book of the New Testament with every other page left blank for taking notes, journaling, asking questions, writing prayers, and more. There are also Filament-enabled wide-margin Bibles, which offer lightly lined 2.25-inch margins on each page.

For the Checklist Checker

For those of us who are obsessed with checklists, a One Year Bible might be the perfect tool to read God’s Word in an organized way. There are many different One Year Bibles, including ones that have prayer prompts, devotionals, study notes, and wide margins.

But what makes One Year Bibles perfect for the organizationally minded is that the Bible is divided into daily reading portions. Whether you are reading a One Year Bible featuring daily passages from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs or making your way through the Bible’s grand story with The One Year Chronological Study Bible, you can check each day’s reading off your list as soon as you are finished.

That’s 365 days of Bible reading already organized for you and checklist ready!

For the Avid Listener

In Romans 10:17, Paul tells us that faith comes through hearing, and for some of us, hearing God’s truth is what helps it stick.

The Streetlights New Testament offers a unique print-plus-audio experience. Every book of the New Testament in the print portion has a QR code that lets you engage with God’s Word through a revolutionary audio component. The ministry team at Streetlights has put the words of the New Living Translation to hip-hop music and beats. Read the Word. Listen to the Word. Be transformed by the Word.

For the Hands-On Learner

Though the Hands-On Bible was created for kids, it’s great for adults, too—especially adults who like to “do” life. This Bible doesn’t let you just sit there. That makes it a great resource for kinesthetic learners. As you engage with activities, games, crafts, recipes, and more, you won’t just read the Bible—you’ll experience it. All your senses will get involved. You’ll see, hear, taste, touch, feel, and maybe even smell the wonders of God’s Word. Interact with this Bible to better understand Scripture and live out its truth.

See What’s Coming Fall 2022

Tyndale House Publishers

We have so many great Bibles and Bible portions releasing this fall! Fall is a great time to start a fresh Bible reading routine, and these Bibles offer so many different ways to engage with the Bible at your own pace and in your own style. We’re also giving you a first look at an exciting new release coming in early 2023.

The One Year Chronological Study Bible tells God’s story as you’d expect a story to be told: from beginning to end. From Creation to eternity. In the order the action took place. The engaging text of the New Living Translation is broken into 365 daily readings. Each reading includes a daily introduction and concludes with reflective discovery questions. Its easy-to-follow, 14-era format will guide you through the expansive timeline of the Bible, show you the unfolding of God’s work among His people, and help you discover your place in God’s grand story. Purchase here

The One Year Bible for Men was created by the same team who brought you the #1–selling Bible for men, the Every Man’s Bible. Each day’s reading includes a passage from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs, as well as a short devotional connecting Scripture to men’s lives. Preorder here

The One Year Bible for Women brings God’s Word into real-life issues women face. Combining the beloved One Year Bible reading plan with short devotionals, this Bible allows Scripture to speak right into the lives of women. Preorder here

Filament Journals are the newest addition to the Filament Bible Collection. Consisting of a single book or a small grouping of books from the New Testament, they are small but mighty! Pages alternate between a page of single-column Bible text and an open page for note-taking, journaling, asking questions, writing prayers, and more. Scan the icon at the top of the page to open the Filament Bible app, providing you with study notes, devotionals, videos, maps, and other resources curated for the page you are reading and journaling about. Perfect for Bible studies or sermon series. See all the journals

The DaySpring Filament Signature Collection has been created in partnership with our friends at DaySpring. This limited series is available in five Filament formats: Thinline Reference, Thinline Reference Large Print, Personal Size Giant Print, Wide Margin, and Super Giant Print. In addition to the gorgeous covers and the transformative text of the New Living Translation, they include a specially designed reading plan in the front of each Bible. They also offer access to the resources on the Filament Bible app, including 100 exclusive devotionals. See the DaySpring Filament Signature Collection

Two new Every Man’s Bible covers will be releasing this fall. A green LeatherLike with an east–west grey stripe will be joining the full size line. A basketball brown with stitching will be added to the Large Print line. This is perfect for the sports fan in your life, as the texture makes holding this Bible feel just like holding a basketball. Designed to help every man develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus by understanding what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges men face, Every Man’s Bible is the bestselling men’s study Bible. See all the Every Man’s Bibles

Inspire Worship is not a Bible—it’s a creative music- and art-themed devotional book designed to complement the bestselling Inspire Bible. Let this beautifully designed collection, which features 125 line-art illustrations, strengthen your faith as you meditate on 100 devotionals inspired by the world’s most celebrated songs of the Christian faith. Preorder here

Inspire: 1 Timothy—Revelation is the final Inspire New Testament Scripture portion coloring book. It includes all the cherished features from the Inspire Bible displayed in a square-trimmed edition, featuring high-quality art paper that works well with all art supplies. Readers will enjoy coloring and creative art-journaling through the full books of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. Each book is displayed beautifully in a single-column, wide-margin, spacious layout. Preorder here

Psalms 42–89: A Christian Union Bible Study is more exegetically focused and academic than most devotionals, yet more accessible and application oriented than a commentary. Each volume in the Christian Union Bible Study series draws from the best biblical scholarship available, presenting it in an accessible and concise format. This series is perfect for people who want to grow in their faith through in-depth studies of Scripture that supplement their regular Bible reading. Preorder here

The NKJV Life Application Study Bible has just been released in the third edition. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights for applying God’s Word to everyday life in today’s world. With a fresh, two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. Preorder here

Our Spanish sister translation, Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV), has some great Bibles releasing this fall as well.

The Edición zíper letra grande con referencias [Large Print Zipper Edition with References] includes book introductions, extensive center-column cross-references, the NTV word-study system with a dictionary and index of Hebrew and Greek terms, a concordance, and three full-color maps. This large-print edition shows the words of Christ in red and includes a presentation page as well as a zipper closure all the way around the cover. Purchase here

The NTV Edición de referencia ultrafina, letra grande [Slimline Reference Edition, Large Print] has been a very popular Bible for many years. It offers a comfortable reading experience for those who prefer large print. Deluxe features include book introductions, a center-column cross-reference and word-study system with a dictionary and index of Hebrew and Greek terms, a concordance, full-color maps, the words of Christ in red, a ribbon marker, gilded page edges, and a presentation page. Purchase here

Biblia Inspira is the Spanish version of Inspire Bible, the bestselling coloring Bible in English. Developed completely new for the Spanish-speaking market, the Biblia Inspira NTV uses the text of the Nueva Traducción Viviente in a single-column, wide-margin journaling Bible with over 400 beautiful line-art illustrations to inspire creativity. Full-page and partial-page Scripture art is interspersed throughout the Bible and can be colored in to make the Bible unique, colorful, and customized. Every page has two-inch-wide margins with either Scripture line-art illustrations or lightly ruled space that can be used to write notes and reflections or to draw and create. Biblia Inspira has high-quality Bible paper with a generous 8.25 font that ensures optimal readability. Purchase here

The NTV Edición manual, letra gigante [Handy Size Edition, Giant Print] offers readers the comfort of a Bible with clear, legible, giant print text. This edition is ideal for pulpit readings and convenient for personal reading. Purchase here

The Santa Biblia, Edición ágape [Holy Bible, Agape Edition] is a beautiful text Bible that includes book introductions and basic Bible helps. This edition is printed on Bible paper with a readable font size. Purchase here

La Biblia en un año [One Year Bible] and Biblia de estudio del diario vivir [Life Application Study Bible] NTV,two of the bestselling NTV Bible brands, have had a recent update. The life-changing content remains the same, but with an updated look and feel. Updated look coming soon!

Coming in 2023

We are so excited to announce that we will be releasing the new Student Life Application Study Bible in early 2023! In addition to offering tens of thousands of notes and features, this Bible will have a full-color interior and be Filament enabled. Use your smartphone or tablet to access thousands of resources such as additional notes, inspiring devotionals, informative videos, and more. This Bible will give you access to more than 27,000 notes, 350 maps, infographics, and illustrations—and that’s just the beginning! We’ll be sharing more soon! Look Inside

It’s Here! The One Year Chronological Study Bible

Tyndale House Publishers

The One Year Chronological Study Bible is a truly unique combination of tools to transform your Bible reading and study. We call it The Five-Tool Bible because it employs five “tools” for a fresh reading experience. This Bible tells you the most important story of all time—the grand story of the Bible—like you’d expect it to be told: from beginning to end.

Watch video to learn more

What Is Immerse and Why Do We Need It?

Tyndale House Publishers

Despite having access to more Bibles than ever before, Bible reading and engagement are in freefall. What can we do? Glenn Paauw and Paul Caminiti from the Institute for Bible Reading have done extensive research to try to answer that question and find ways to change the trajectory of Bible reading. It was from this quest that Immerse: The Reading Experience was birthed. It is a simple yet revolutionary way to reengage with the Bible as individuals and in community.

Watch the Immerse Story:

Does God Change His Mind?

Tyndale House Publishers

Note from the Christian Basics Bible

“This change of plans greatly upset Jonah, and he became very angry. So he complained to the Lord about it: ‘Didn’t I say before I left home that you would do this, Lord? That is why I ran away to Tarshish! I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people. Just kill me now, Lord! I’d rather be dead than alive if what I predicted will not happen.'” Jonah 4:1-3, NLT

“I am the Lord, and I do not change” (Malachi 3:6). This saying, frequently quoted out of context, is often used to prove that God never changes his mind. But Jonah’s story shows us that he does! In fact, the Bible has many examples of this happening. For example, God changed his mind about blessing the human race once sin became rampant on the earth (contrast Genesis 1:27-28 with Genesis 6:6-7); he also changed his mind about destroying Israel after hearing Moses’ prayer (contrast Exodus 32:9-10 with Exodus 32:14). In the first example, blessing is turned into curse, and in the second, curse is turned into blessing.

However, this possibility of change does not mean that God is unreliable; rather, it proves the very opposite. For while God is unchanging in his character, he is not always unchanging in his actions. In fact, sometimes he has to change his declared actions in order to be faithful to his character. So, because his essential nature is one of righteousness, he gladly changes his mind when, threatened with judgment, sinners then repent, just as the Ninevites did ( Jonah 3:10). God clearly changed his mind, but only to be consistent with what he is like and what he wants.

Changing his mind does not mean that God is unreliable or fickle; it means his purposes will surely come to pass.