“Joseph of Arimathea took a risk and went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. (Joseph was an honored member of the high council, and he was waiting for the Kingdom of God to come.)” Mark 15:43, NLT
Taken from the Streetlights New Testament

Fear of what others may think or do to us because we follow Jesus Christ can be intimidating, especially when we first start following Him. The risk is real and should be expected. Following Christ does come with a cost, but the rewards are many.

Joseph of Arimathea was transformed from a timid, hidden Christian into a bold representative of Christ. God can do this in all of us. There had to be a moment after Jesus’ death when Joseph was convicted and said, You know what? I loved Jesus Christ, His death was wrong, and I will not be ashamed anymore! His faith was put into action, and his fear was defeated. He understood that being bold for Christ was worth far more than being ashamed of the God he believed in.
Timidity is a natural temptation for all believers in Christ. But God calls us to be unashamed and to ask Him for boldness to represent His reality to our world—no matter the cost! Fear has a way of paralyzing our faith, but God can transform us into believers who are willing to live out our faith both in private and in public. What are some fears that paralyze you? How has God caused you to become bolder in your faith in front of other people?