

November means good food and Thanksgiving! Here are what our staff is reading this month:


Waymaker by Ann Voskamp

Have you ever experienced God bringing a book into your life that speaks just the right words at just the right time? Waymaker by Ann Voskamp is that book for me. Part life story, part Scripture study, and part devotional, Waymaker is about the aching hopes and crushing disappointments of life—and the way God is making through them all. While Ann’s story of marrying a farmer at age nineteen and raising six children before adopting another from China is very different from my own, I can relate to the frustration and heartache of waiting on dreams and coping with loss. Rather than the trite application of the verse “all things work together for good” (Romans 8:28), Ann takes it a step further by challenging us to find the gift God is giving us in those trials, the gift we most want—a way to deeper communion with God himself. Disappointment and loss are never easy to accept, but this perspective has helped me view my most painful trials with newfound hope. The message of Waymaker is one I want to remember for the rest of my life.


The Intentional Father by Jon Tyson

My men’s small group has been talking about parenthood and its challenges a lot recently. One specific conversation focused on raising sons. As a prompt, we all listened to an episode of the Dad Tired podcast, “Developing A ‘Rite of Passage’ For Your Sons” with Jon Tyson, author of The Intentional Father.

I was equally inspired and intimidated by Tyson’s interview and the love, commitment, and sacrifice he demonstrated as part of a grander vision for his son between the ages of 13 and 18—helping him mature from boyhood to Chrisitian manhood. It’s clear Tyson is preaching what he’s practiced. I didn’t make it through the whole episode before ordering his book.

My son is just 6-years-old, but I already feel the years are moving too quickly. This book is helping clear the fog that can come with day-to-day parenting and refocus on ways I can be more intentional with my words and actions as a dad.


The Abolition of Man by C. S. Lewis

This month, I’m listening to the audio book of The Abolition of Man by C. S. Lewis. I went into it with no idea as to the subject matter, but so far it proves interesting. Lewis is critiquing an issue in which a language textbook has writers who, instead of focusing on teaching language, are instead communicating a form of philosophy and, unbeknownst to the students, the assumptions that are seeded as a result come with future implications. I have yet to get further and see if the entire book is about that textbook or if there are other concerns that Lewis has; however, already it feels like a conversation over tea and that is what I especially appreciate. Lewis is sharing his thoughts with the reader in a refreshingly down-to-earth way.

Bethany was raised on a mini farm in Indiana where she fell in love with nature, faith, and imagination. Since then, she was employed as a marketer for the Center for the Study of C. S. Lewis & Friends before graduating with a Marketing and Management double major from Taylor University and joining the ranks of Tyndale House Publishers. Among her many interests are painting, riding horses, and basically living the dream.

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