Kid Talk Tuesday: God’s Perfect Plan – guest post by author Tracey Madder

 Today’s post is by Tracey Madder, author/creator of the upcoming  Prayer Monsters  series releasing in Fall 2016. See more from Tracey on her blog   . 

As summer winds down and parents begin back-to-school preparations, there is one question on every child’s mind- “  Who is my teacher going to be this year? 

The mailing of teacher notification letters is one of the most highly anticipated days of summer vacation.  About a week before orientation, the letters go out.  And it’s inevitably around this time, that my children start behaving like a pack of excited hyenas.  (And I mean that as a term of endearment.)

For several days straight, they lurk at the window… stalking the postman.  They watch and wait for the school envelope as if it were prey.  The moment it arrives, they pounce- grabbing their letter, ripping it open and devouring its contents within seconds.  This is usually followed by shrieks of laughter or howls of agony, as they rush to seek my congratulations or condolences.

Within minutes the phone calls begin.  Child after child scrambles to find at least one friend in his class.  Even I am guilty of exchanging texts with parents hoping for the latest feedback on a teacher. But it’s also during this time that I am reminded of a few things.


-I am thankful I am not a teacher. It is so unfair that parents judge teachers before they even have the chance to teach!

-I am thankful I am not a principal. Seriously…Can you imagine dealing with all of those unhappy parents?

-I want what is best for my child. But, God also wants what is best for my child.


Isn’t God’s plan for my child far superior than my own?  God knows and loves my child inside and out.   He  perfectly created every strength and every weakness.

More often than not, it’s the dreaded teacher who turns out to be the most impactful. I recall a college professor I had who had the reputation of being the meanest and hardest teacher on campus. He refused to give an “A” to anyone.  You know what…he was the hardest and meanest professor on campus.  But he ended up being my favorite teacher.  He taught me work ethic.  I worked my behind off for that “B”.  He taught me to write…rewrite…rewrite…and rewrite again.  This is a skill that serves me well everyday as an author.

The point is… that God’s plan is perfect.  Trust  him  !  Sure, your kid may or may not get the teacher he wants.  But God will give him the teacher he needs.

 Children’s Book Author Tracey Madder has over ten years of experience in the Entertainment Industry working internationally as a model, actress, and photographer.  But, it is the title of “Stay-at-Home Mom” that she is most proud of.  Tracey stepped out of the spotlight to raise a family. Inspired by her four children, she began creating religious products and writing books in 2014.  Tracey is the author/creator of the Prayer Monsters Series, The Story Travelers Bible, and the Super Faith Blog, a Christian blog for families.