10 Bible Studies Great for Small Groups

Whether you are leading a Bible study or participating as a group member, being interested and committed as well as learning and growing spiritually are a few vital keys to being a successful small group. Choosing the right small group Bible study can help ensure these keys are met as well as creating a community and diving into topics that the group can benefit from. Check out this list of 10 Bible studies for small groups to get you started on choosing the right fit for your study group.

Women of the Bible New Testament Bible Study

The women of the New Testament challenged what society thought of them. Learn about how these women led others to Jesus and remained faithful to the Lord, all while overcoming immense obstacles in this six-session Bible study complete with history, culture, and geography of their backgrounds.

Christianity, Cults and Religions Bible Study

This DVD Bible study kit provides an overview on and compares Christianity to six major religions (Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhism, Mormonism, and Hinduism), as well as practicalities on how to be respectful to other religions when reaching out. 

Four Views of the End Times DVD Bible Study

The four major ways that Christians have viewed the Book of Revelation and the End Times over centuries are explained in this Bible study, containing six-session videos.

The Twelve Disciples Bible Study

Jesus called 12 common men and turned their weaknesses into strengths. Digging deep into the lives of each of Jesus' 12 disciples learn about why Jesus called them, how they served, their individual personalities, and the lessons we can learn from them. 

Choosing Forgiveness Bible Study

As believers we are called to forgive, but how? We may wonder how we can truly forgive someone that hurt us, how to finally "let go", or what to do if they may not even seem sorry. With practical tips, realistic advice, and discussion questions, discover the signs of a forgiving heart, barriers to forgiveness, Scripture to help set you free, and steps to reconciliation.

The Life of Jesus DVD Bible Study

With this DVD Bible study, gain insight on behind-the-scenes key events of Jesus' life, and answer questions such as "How can we experience the abundant life Jesus died for?" and "What do we do when the new life Jesus promised us doesn't turn out as expected?". 

The Lord's Prayer Bible Study

Discover how to enrich and expand your prayer life with a more profound understanding of the model prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's Prayer Bible Study consists of colorful visuals, easy-to-read summaries, and reflections to guide you through the seven petitions of one of Jesus' most famous prayers. 

Proverbs Bible Study

From the Book of Proverbs, this six-session Bible study will teach you practical, day-to-day godly living. Gain true wisdom - the ability to see life and the world the way God sees them, a deeper sense of who God is, and the ability to trust in God's faithfulness. 

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Bible Study

Sometimes it's harder to let go, so we find it easier to be hurt or angry or hold on to our sense of justice and pride. But forgiveness and reconciliation are needed for spiritual health not just individually but also for community. This Bible study for women examines challenges we may face as we try to forgive and reconcile with those who have hurt us. 

The Parables of Jesus DVD Bible Study

Engaging stories that are simple, vivid, and engaging are how Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths. In six sessions complete with maps, pictures, outlines, key Bible verses, and discussion questions, explore Jesus' parables and their meanings, helping you to fully appreciate their relevance in your own life. 

Found a Bible study that will be engaging for your group or one that may be a topic of interest? Visit here for easy access to all 10 small group Bible studies on this list or check out hendricksonrose.com to explore more Bible studies for small groups.