Kid Talk Tuesday: Beyond Tiaras and Sparkly Gowns

Princess Month continues this week with a special message from Stephanie Rische, author of My Princesses Learn to Be Brave .


If you have little girls in your life, you know that princesses are everywhere—in the dress-up box, at birthday parties, on TV, at the store. And there are good things about this princess era we live in, because it’s important for girls to feel special and beautiful.

But as followers of Christ, we long for more than pretty dresses and tiaras for the girls we love. Our desire is for them to become beautiful on the inside as well. We want them to know where their real identity is found—that since God is their Father, they are daughters of the King. That makes them true princesses.

As princesses made in God’s image, girls have the opportunity to develop traits that go beyond external princess accessories. As they grow up, we want to help their character mature so they can become the people God desires them to be.

It was out of this vision that the My Princesses series was born. In each book, girls will learn about a key virtue such as the importance of sharing and how to deal with bullies.

My Princesses Learn to Be Brave is a story about two girls who face an all-too-familiar situation: a bully on the playground. Readers will watch these characters figure out a creative way to deal with the problem and find out what God says about being brave. They will also learn about a real princess from the Bible who faced a bully—and how God gave her the courage she needed to save her people.

Through this book, girls will discover that sometimes a bully is just a bully . . . but sometimes a bully is merely a friend waiting to be discovered. They will learn that with God’s help, they have what it takes to be brave. And they’ll find that when we invite God to get involved in the scary situations we face, the ending just might surprise us all.

See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!
—1 John 3:1