Welcome to Unfolding Stories Podcast-a Christian Podcast Dedicated to Testimony

Unfolding Stories is a Christian podcast that collects diverse testimonies of how people came to faith in Jesus Christ and of moments when God boldly showed up in their lives.

Each episode focuses on a different way in which God challenges and celebrates his creation, with a new testimony told firsthand by the person who experienced it.

An Asian man walks across a bridge in a large city, with headphones on and listening to a podcast.

Stories range from swift conversion to Christianity in one night to decades spent exploring faith; from having the confidence to speak about faith in a challenging environment to challenging God on the reason for our sufferings. Other testimonies include becoming a pastor after a professional soccer career, finally admitting a need for God after years of self-destructive tendencies, and discovering a deeper relationship with God through service and the storms of life.

Each testimony is told by a real person who has genuinely discovered a life-changing relationship with God. You’ll find their stories inspiring, uplifting, thought provoking, and relatable in many ways; perhaps you’ll even learn something new about God in his interaction with them.

During the first season, a new episode will be released each week, with episode one launching January 29, 2019. We know you’re going to love all the amazing stories of how God works in the lives of ordinary people. If you enjoyed an episode, please rate the series and subscribe to the podcast.

Episode 1: Finding Your Life Purpose, CJ Lusk

Image of episode 1's guest speaker, CJ Lusk. CJ recalls his Christian testimony on the Unfolding Stories podcast, where God showed him a new path and purpose in life.

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Episode 2: Doubting God’s Power, Aubrey Sampson

Image of episode 2's guest speaker, Aubrey Sampson. Her testimony tells of how God called loudly to her as she was questioning His power and promises.

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Episode 3: From Self-Destruction to Peace, Andrew

Image of Episode 3 of Unfolding Stories' christian podcast's guest speaker Andrew. He tells his testimony story about finding the right path and a full relationship with God after years of self-destructive behaviors.

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Episode 4: The Long Road Home, Jill  

Jill opens up in episode 4 of the Unfolding Stories Christian testimony podcast.

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Episode 5: Reliance on God, and the Blessing of Adversity,
Jesse Bradley

Image of episode 5's guest speaker, Jesse Bradley on Unfolding Stories testimony podcast. Jesse tells us about how God changed his life around when he realized how the Lord had provided for him through a very intense season.

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Episode 6: A New Life in Service, Mike

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Episode 7: God’s Provision in the Storm, Laura

Laura, episode 7 of Unfolding Stories Christian podcast guest speaker, gives her testimony of God's love through a stormy season, and finally finding a full relationship with Him.

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Episode 8: God Changes Life’s Course, Zach

Image of Unfolding Stories' episode 8 guest speaker, Zach. Zach's amazing Christian testimony shows how a relationship with God can totally change the path of your life.

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Episode 9: Doubting God in Depression, Leanne

Leanne is episode 9's guest speaker on Unfolding Stories podcast. She recounts how her depression made her believe God couldn't love her, but The Lord sent people to tell her otherwise.

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Episode 10: Street Gang to God’s Child, Michelangelo

Michelangelo is the final guest speaker of the first season of Unfolding Stories Christian testimony podcast. His incredible testimony takes us from gang activity on the streets, to becoming a committed follower of Christ, through addictions and challenging times.

Episode launches April 2 2019.

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Inspired to tell others your own story of God’s work in your life? See this helpful blog post on how to talk to others about Jesus and shape your own testimony.

Feeling compelled to share your story with us? Send us your testimony! In 1,000 words or less, tell us what happened to you and how God has changed your life. Email us at unfoldingfaithmail@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing your story, and who knows—maybe yours will be featured during the next series of Unfolding Stories.

Our prayer is that this Christian podcast will encourage people in their continued walk with Jesus and reach anyone who hasn’t yet committed to a relationship with him. Unfolding Stories offers hope, confidence, insight, and help to everyone. We’re praying that God uses this ministry platform to speak to you in a brand-new way.

Unfolding Stories is an audio ministry from Unfolding Faith, for Tyndale House Publishers.

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Blog: unfoldingfaithblog.com