Browse Posts: Historical

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Francine Rivers, Jolina Petersheim, and Carla Laureano talk about their earliest book memory

Authors Francine Rivers, Jolina Petersheim, and Carla Laureano recently sat down to discuss their writing lives and inspiration.

Watch more videos of Francine Rivers, Jolina Petersheim, and Carla Laureano here.…

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Breathing Life into a Cameo Character: A Look at the Story behind The Seamstress

Have you ever wondered where the authors of your favorite novels discover story ideas? Find out where Allison K. Pittman got the idea for her new novel The Seamstress. Read below what Allison wrote about the novel and the story behind it:

I have a unique dedication in the …

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2018 Crazy4Fiction Gift Guide

To help you complete your holiday shopping list, the Crazy4Fiction team put together the 2018 Gift Guide. With these suggestions, you can feel confident in giving the best book to everyone on your list.

Scroll through the slideshow below to see what books might fit even the most hard to …

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A Time Traveler’s Treasures

In Lady of a Thousand Treasures by Sandra Byrd, Lady Eleanor Sheffield evaluates antiquities. Discover interesting facts about antiques from the Victorian era in the piece below by author Sandra Byrd.

I love to travel to many places, but I also love to travel to many times, eras out of …

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Designing A Lineage of Grace, Special Edition

In the piece below by Tyndale designer Julie Chen, discover how the cover design and artwork for the new special edition of Francine Rivers’s A Lineage of Grace was created.

Having the honor to redesign Francine Rivers’s A Lineage of Grace as a gift edition was like coming full circle, …

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Hidden Treasure of Hallstatt

In this post, Melanie Dobson talks about the trip that inspired her new novel Hidden Among the Stars, a time-slip novel about hidden treasure, a castle, and ordinary people who resisted evil in their own extraordinary way.

Backpacking across Europe—that’s how my husband and I decided to celebrate our …

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Choices that Heal

-A guest blog post by Thief of Corinth author Tessa Afshar-

Thief of Corinth is a story about choices. In the prologue of the novel, as Ariadne struggles to explain why she became a thief, she writes, “the choices that lead us into broken paths often have their beginnings in …

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Road Trippin’ with Tyndale and Francine Rivers: Stop #13

Welcome to Tyndale Fiction’s Road Trip Scavenger Hunt! We’re so happy you are here. To participate, collect the key words through all 13 stops in order, so you can enter to win our grand prize giveaway!

Some details:

  • The adventure begins on Wednesday, August 1. You’ll have two weeks
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    An Inside Look at Engraved on the Heart

    -A guest blog post by Engraved on the Heart author Tara Johnson-

    The spark of the idea for Engraved on the Heart began when our family visited Savannah, Georgia. I was entranced with the history and charm of the town. Secrets seemed to ooze out of every corner.

    The first …

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    Unexpected Masterpieces—How God Uses Creativity

    No one doubts Beethoven’s Symphony no. 5 or Les Misérables or The Lord of the Rings are deserving of creative masterpiece status. But creativity and masterpieces come sometimes in unexpected forms. Often people say, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body,” but most likely these folks are not …

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    Author Pam Hillman Shares WHY The Natchez Trace: The Devil’s Backbone, Highwaymen, and Wayfaring Strangers

    We are excited to welcome Pam Hillman to the blog to share some of her process for imaging her historical romance, The Promise of Breeze Hill. Often times, authors stumble upon a fact or moment in history that sticks with them and will not let go. The rich history

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    Author Heidi Chiavaroli Shares Five Things You May Not Know About The Boston Massacre

    Heidi Chiavaroli , author of Freedom’s Ring, would love to share five things you may not know about the Boston Massacre. What makes her debut novel unique is the dual time periods; Freedom’s Ring takes place during the aftermath of two pivotal times in Massachusetts history: The Boston Massacre …

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    When Fact and Fiction Merge: Author Melanie Dobson’s Call to Encourage and Support Refugees

    Today on the blog we are talking about the intersection of fact and fiction. It’s always amazing how real-life themes can run through a novel. When Melanie Dobson penned Catching the Wind, she hoped that this WWII story would cause people to stop, think, and discuss the very real …

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    Christian Fiction Updates!

    Right now there are lots of exciting things happening in the world of Christian fiction. Here’s a recap of a few of the recent goings-on from some great blogs and organizations.


    Rachel McRae from the LifeWay blog on Randy Singer’s intriguing new novel, The Advocate

    Top Christian fiction author …

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    Perfect Books for Mother’s Day

    Happy Friday!

    With Mother’s Day only a few days away, it can be hard to think of that perfect gift to get the woman in your life to tell her how special and appreciated she is. If you’re still searching for a gift, look below for a few suggestions of …

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    What’s Happening Wednesday: What’s on YOUR bookshelf?

    As I work at a publishing company, it will come as no surprise that my bookshelves are constantly bursting at the seams with Christian fiction.

    But even so, every time a new book gets in, our team always hurries over to the new book cube (duly nicknamed “the birthing cube,” …

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