Why This Corner of My Home is a Holy Place

THERE IS A CORNER IN MY READING ROOM where I store my issues, the things I often try to hide from God and others. If I find that I’m craving esteem or recognition in an unhealthy way, and if, in that craving, my ego has started maniacally planning all the ways I can get it, […]

There is hope in every moment….even when you’re at the end of your rope.

The setting could not be more familiar to me. The cast of characters, although always changing, somehow remains constant in reminding me of Home. The conversation always starts the same: “My name is Sharon, and I’m an alcoholic.” On this day I sat in the familiar circle of chairs in the musty church basement, smelling […]

Jesus Take The Wheel – How Surrendering Control Brings You Real Freedom

The bent to promote, protect and exalt self starts early in life. One of the first phrases our children said was, “Me first!” Because our self-centeredness is so inbred, Jesus made it clear that if we want to follow him, we must give up our “selves.” Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of this verse in Luke states […]