Am I Committed?

Many of us make New Years resolutions, but we get a few weeks or maybe even a few months in and we start to get tired. The excitement wears off, the busyness of life sets in and our commitment to that resolution starts to diminish. But it’s not just resolutions where our commitments start diminish. It can happening in relationships, where God has called us to serve, and even in our faith.

Read what the Bible has to say about the importance of commitment from the HelpFinder Bible

The achievement of any goal or purpose requires commitment—whether for good or for evil. The Bible speaks of commitment in both negative and positive ways: “committing” a sin (Deuteronomy 22:22) and “commit everything you do to the Lord” (Psalm 37:5). Each alternative involves making a decision, turning oneself over to something or someone, a focused and sometimes costly perseverance, and then reaping the negative consequences or positive rewards of our commitment. Understanding commitment and learning to commit our hearts, minds, and bodies is central to a life of faith. In fact, faith devoid of commitment is dead.

Why is commitment so important?
• PSALM 25:10 | The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.

When you are committed to following God, he will lead you to his will for your life, the satisfying and fulfilling goal for which he has created you.

• PSALM 31:23 | For the Lord protects those who are loyal to him.

When you are committed to God, he is committed to watching out for you and caring for you.

• RUTH 1:14 | And again they wept together, and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye. But Ruth clung tightly to Naomi.

Commitment is the true mark of friendship.

• 1 CORINTHIANS 13:7 | Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Commitment is the evidence of love for one another.

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One thought on “Am I Committed?

  1. I love God,I want to Worship Him with all of my heart,I pray to be strong to not giveup in His way.Sometimes I feel weak an looses strength but inside of my heart I know that He is my everthing,my savior and my redeemer.

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