Open Your Eyes to Truth with the Illustrated Study Bible NLT

Open Your Eyes to Truth with the Illustrated Study Bible NLT

The Word of God is alive and powerful.

We need constant reminders, as it’s easy to get caught in the routine, the day to day.

For the past couple of years I have gotten to be a part of an amazing project. We started with Taylor’s simple premise and asked ourselves, what would it take for people to want to study the Bible?

Not textbook study. Love-letter study.

The kind of study that sinks down in so that when life happens we have an anchor, not an answer.

What if we used color and photography, images and art to open our eyes to what God is up to?





I got to be a part of a team that went through the entire Bible asking what we should (and could) illustrate well.

I got to rediscover the wonder of this thing we call the Bible, watching firsthand as each of us caught a glimpse of the breadth and the depth of God’s love for us.

Remembering that this is his world, that he invites us to be a part of it.

He carries us home when we wander, tells the father of an autistic child that yes, he can handle this, too.

I want to help people understand what the Bible is all about.

Because in all of my crazy, messed-up life, in all of my knowledge and doubt and fear and wonder, I believe it is true.

Somewhere in the middle of it all, I also got a reminder that the process is never done.

Every day I have to open my eyes in wonder.

Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. Psalm 119:18


By Kevin O’Brien, a Bible brand manager on the Bible team at Tyndale House Publishers and managing editor for Illustrated Study Bible.