My Unconventional Journey to Novelist

My Unconventional Journey to Novelist

Thriller Spotlight with Joel C. Rosenberg

“Joel, how did you become a novelist?”

It has been a very full month since The Libyan Diversion released on May 16. As is typical for the days just before and just after my book releases, much of my time has been spent in interviews talking about the novel, the Middle East, and my life as an author. Over the years, I have been asked thousands of questions, but there is one that I find myself answering more than any other. People want to know how an Upstate New York Jewish kid went from being a failed political consultant to a bestselling novelist. It’s a great question, and the answer is different from any other story you’ll hear.

Recently, I addressed this question on my news website, All Israel News. The short version is laid out in the article “LAUNCH DAY: Today, my 17th novel releases – but my journey to becoming a story-teller began with bitter, painful failure”. But if you want the full, crazy story, you can watch the video I recorded overlooking the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. In it you’ll hear about a journey that will leave you thinking, “Either Joel is the luckiest man alive or God really did have a plan.” Check out “How did Joel C. Rosenberg become a novelist and a journalist?” I think you’ll enjoy it!