3 Ways to Be “Unphased” This School Year

Whether you’re carpooling or homeschooling, whether your routine is radically different or relatively the same, now is as good a time as any to become a lifelong learner.

This article was written by contributor, Christine McParland

Although we had hoped to start this school year with the coronavirus pandemic behind us, the changes we’ll need to adapt to don’t have to “phase” us! Regardless of what year in school, stage of life, or phase of reopening we’re currently in, it’s healthy to keep learning new things and acclimating to new environments and experiences. Even if you’re not excited about the changes this school year will bring, here are some other ways you can nurture your inner lifelong learner.

1. Find a new hobby.

Unfortunately, many extracurriculars and church activities will be unavailable this fall, and you may find yourself with some free time to fill. Before you sign up for another online event or binge-watch another Netflix show, consider picking up a new hobby. Do you have unused art supplies or cookbooks collecting dust? Have you always wanted to play an instrument? Do you want to write your story or study a subject like history? Take advantage of a less active school year to chase a dream you probably didn’t have time for until now.

2. Develop a new skill (or improve an old one).

A slower season is also an excellent opportunity to grow in areas that might be less fun but are no less essential to a well-balanced life, like finances and parenting. Tackling debt and learning to manage your money can go a long way in reducing anxiety and stress, especially during economically challenging times. And with many students continuing to learn from home through distance learning or homeschooling, honing your parenting skills can help manage potential stress or tension with your housebound children. Finally, taking care of your physical health is an essential but easily overlooked aspect of overall wellness and immune health. Whether you choose to focus on one or all three of these areas, you’ll feel good about using this time to make positive changes for you and your family!

3. Grow in your faith.

This one may be obvious but is often easier said than done, especially when many churches and ministries are still closed or have limited accessibility. If you’re feeling stagnant in your faith-walk, try something different with a new Bible study or spiritual growth resource. Or go back to the basics by learning how to read and study Scripture and delving into a deeper prayer life. Even something as simple as finding a life verse can help inspire you to take the next step in your relationship with God—which, more than any other resource, will help you thrive in challenging and uncertain times.

Whether you’re carpooling or homeschooling, whether your routine is radically different or relatively the same, now is as good a time as any to become a lifelong learner. Though you can’t control the circumstances and changes this school year brings, you can take advantage of the season to pursue positive and healthy change in your own life. You may be surprised to see how getting creative, trying something new, or developing a skill can help you navigate an otherwise stressful season with courage and hope.

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