“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3, NLT

Devotional from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

Do you ever have moments when you wonder whether you’re somehow missing the spiritual boat? Maybe at church, while listening to a sermon, everyone else seems enthralled but . . . you just aren’t feelin’ it. Or how about this one? All your friends are into this new inspirational book (“It’s a must-read!” they say), so you order it, crack it open, and . . . no fireworks.

What am I missing? you wonder. The answer may very well be nothing. Most of us have discovered that faith isn’t an exact science. There’s no spiritual equation that guarantees a certain outcome; our hearts aren’t made that way. What speaks to you one day may not register with the friend beside you. What lights your friend’s fire may not even make yours flicker. And that’s good! We’re God’s workmanship, not his minions.

We’re kind of like specially made locks, and he possesses the one-of-a-kind key to each of us. The more we embrace that about ourselves, the more authentic our faith journeys will be.

As we fix our eyes on him and stop comparing ourselves with those around us, we lose the pressure of conforming in ways that don’t speak to our hearts. Then we can encourage and celebrate each other without compromising ourselves.
by Shanna Noel and Paige DeRuyscher , 100 Days of Prayer

Lord, help me to see all the ways you made me special.
Guide me as I use my unique gifts to helps others experience
your everlasting love. In Jesus name, amen.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible