Family Bible Reading that Sticks
Reading the Bible together as a family is an idea that sounds great, but as many parents have discovered, it is much easier said than done. With all the distractions around us, it is a challenge to keep our kids (and even the parents!) interested and engaged.
Ken Weigel, Senior Director of Strategy for the Bible Project, has embarked on a journey to read through the entire Bible with his kids (aged 6, 8, 10, and 11) this year, and has had great success combining reading, listening, and engaging extra content with the NLT and the Filament Bible. For his kids, this is the first time that they are going to read through the entire Bible. Here’s how he is doing it.
They gather around their television, and while Ken and his older children have their Filament Bibles open to the passage they are about to read through, his 6-year-old simply listens as the passage is read aloud through the YouVersion Bible app on their Apple TV. Then, as they are making their way through the text together, Ken uses the Filament app on his iPad to scan the page and find additional content to show his kids. Whether it is an interactive map, a profile on one of the heroes in the Bible story, or even a Bible Project video, it is a great way to both keep his kids engaged with the text of Scripture and help them to understand what it means for them as individuals and as a family.
Here’s what Ken had to say about how this is working for his family: “It’s a great reading experience, I think NLT works great for this age group (and others) and the simplicity of only having the text—but the option of the additional resources has been great.” And his experience hasn’t escaped the notice of others in his life. Ken shared with us that his mother-in-law as well as a pastor who lives down the street from him have both picked up their own copies of the Filament Bible after seeing the impact it is making with the Weigel family.
There are other families that have found the Filament Bible to be a great way to engage the Bible together as well. Scott from Madison, Mississippi reached out to us to let us know how much he is enjoying the Filament Bible and how it has transformed his family devotional time. He says Filament “is an amazing way to sit around the table with my kids and dig deeper into the word. We have all learned from it together and can’t wait to see what will show up when we snapshot a page number on our device. Excellent links to videos, maps, study, etc. Thanks for the relevant resource!”
How can you imagine using Filament with your family or small group? We’d love to hear from you! Send us a note at filament@tyndale.com to let us know your favorite ways of using this unique Bible.
See Filament in action or get your copy today and start going deeper together.