Dr. David A. Stoop, clinician, author, and co-editor of The Life Recovery Bible, had a passion for God’s transforming love to bring healing and hope to people who felt trapped in addiction. We will miss his insight and devotion to the power of God’s Word in people’s lives, but we are thankful he is now with our heavenly Father. His obedience to God’s call has changed millions of lives as people around the world continue to use resources he created, like The Life Recovery Bible, to help others find their way not only out of addiction but also into a new life in Christ. His legacy lives on in groups and ministries like the Bible study at Seminole County Women’s Residential Facility, where hope is being found and lives are forever changed by God’s Word.

Sharon Germaine has been leading a Bible study there for over a decade. One of the first things she noticed was that most women in the study didn’t have Bibles, and the few who did were not familiar with Scripture, so finding passages was difficult. Having numerous different types and translations made it even more confusing and frustrating for women in the group.

“God led her to The Life Recovery Bible,” said Cindy Sawyer, who joined Sharon in leading the study group about a year ago. “She makes sure every woman in the group has a copy of The Life Recovery Bible so all we have to do is say we are on a certain page and everyone can easily find it together.”

When COVID hit, the study group continued, but on Zoom. Sharon and Cindy didn’t let that stop them. Even though they couldn’t give it to them in person, the leaders made sure each woman in the group had their own Bible.

“A woman who had been recently admitted to the program ran up to the camera and thanked us repeatedly for her Bible. She said she had never had a Bible she could understand before, and she had spent over three hours reading it because she couldn’t get enough. God is using The Life Recovery Bible to bring change!” said Cindy.

Addictions impact people from all walks of life. Often, we can try to hide them, like Lisa, a former registered nurse who, in the prime of her career, lost her license and job because of her addictions.

“When she came to the center, she had no Bible knowledge and little interest in spiritual things. But God called her to himself over the months of studying his Word. When she graduated the program, she was offered several jobs but chose to work at another women’s rehabilitation center where she now uses The Life Recovery Bible to help others find their way out of addiction through God’s Word,” shared Cindy.

Though helping people battle addictions can be exhausting and heartbreaking, people like Cindy and Sharon are able to help people break through the darkness and discover God’s hope and new life through his Word.

“Thank you, Dr. Stoop and Steve Arterburn, for investing your time and gifts into The Life Recovery Bible. It is making a huge difference in so many lives,” Cindy said.