Five Ways to Battle the Winter Blahs

It’s an elementary school highlight—winter break. I don’t know too many kids who have visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads anymore, but the freedom of rolling around in the snow, having no homework, and just playing are definitely floating through many kids’ pre-break daydreams. But as days stretch into weeks the winter break glee can quickly wear off and is often replaced by a chorus of “I’m bored.”

We have a few ways you can not only get through the winter break blahs but also use this time to grow as a family by hiding God’s Word in your hearts. And—it’s FREE!

On there are FREE interactive downloads to help memorize 10 of the most beloved verses in the Bible. These include songs, coloring pages, devotionals, and games. Here are five ways you can to use these resources to have fun and remember God’s Word!


Bible Memory Song Party : Especially if you live in the frozen north, kids—and moms and dads too—can quickly catch cabin fever. Ward it off with a fun Bible Memory Dance Party. Download the free Bible memory songs, then play them as you dance around the house. You can turn it into a Bible Freeze Dance game where you pause the music sporadically and everyone has to freeze in their current position. See who can hold their pose the longest.


Bible Game Challenge: Download the 10 Bible memory activities and see who can complete them the fastest and still get them all correct. Then take the memory verses and create your own games. See if family members can beat the quiz master.





Coloring Contest: There are free coloring pages and verse line-art to color. You can have a coloring contest, even posting the entries on social media to see whose pages get the most votes.






We’ve Got Talent Videos: Whether you want to be a superstar or hide behind the camera, you can have a fun family activity making Bible Memory Song Videos. There are several different ways you can do this. Pick a song, memorize it together, and then record the performance as a family. Make it into a contest. Have every member of the family pick a different song to memorize and perform. Tape the performances and then post on social media for friends and family to pick who they like best. Don’t sing? Video the dance party, lip sync, or just have fun displaying your family’s unique talents.


Family Devotional Time: One of the best parts about winter break is the chance to step out of the normal, hectic schedule and spend time together. Included in the free downloads are samples of the Hidden in My Heart Scripture Memory Bible ’s Core 100 devotional section. This includes the memory verse in three translations, a short devotional about how to apply the verse to daily life, and a prayer. It’s a great way to come together as a family and grow closer to each other and God by hiding his Word in our hearts.



The Hidden in My Heart Scripture Memory Bible was created to encourage kids not only to read God’s Word but also to hide it deep within their hearts. One hundred of the Bible’s core verses have been set to music by renowned children’s author and song writer Stephen Elkins. The 100 songs include a variety of genres and are available in the New Living Translation, New International Version, and King James Version, and all songs are free with the purchase of the Bible.

Shop now  HERE.