What this Advent Season Means

This upcoming Sunday marks the beginning of the Advent Season. Advent is the name for the four weeks leading up to Christmas in which we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of our Lord, which has been celebrated since at least 480 AD. Advent is named after the Latin word, adventus, which is translated into "coming". It is a wonderful part of our Church calendar, that take our eyes off of the business of dinner preparations and gift buying and back onto Jesus' birth. Not only is it a time of remembrance of Christ's first coming, but a time of resting in fervent anticipation of his second. However, this time of year can feel like anything but reflective and restful.

Chris Tiegreen, the author of The Wonder of Advent, an Advent devotional book, shares a bit about what this season in the Church calendar means to him. Take a look at what he has to say! 

For more information on how to celebrate Advent, download the first five days of The Wonder of Advent here. It is a great way to center your heart and mind around the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ, this Advent season.

The Wonder of Advent Devotional by

Rediscover the heart of the Advent season
As the year comes to a close and the stress and busyness of the consumer Christmas holiday grows, it can be easy to lose sight of what the season really calls us to: worship. In today’s world, is it even possible to slow down, to ponder, to wonder in the coming birth of Christ?

This Advent season, recapture the mystery and beauty of the season with The Wonder of Advent Devotional. In this insightful and thought-provoking book, beloved devotional author Chris Tiegreen brings you into a deeper experience of this integral time in the church calendar. After completing a week of short readings to prepare your heart for the Advent season, you’ll journey through December with daily Scripture readings, prompts for reflection, and guided prayer to help you savor this remarkable divine story. With each day, The Wonder of Advent Devotional will reconnect you with what happened in Bethlehem long ago—and experience it anew in your life right now.