6 Easy Ways to Incorporate Faith in Your Homeschooling Routine (with Book Suggestions!)

There are many benefits to homeschooling your kids—individualized teaching, flexibility, family bonding, and controlled environments are just a few. Another great perk to teaching kids from home is the opportunity to incorporate Christian values and ideas into their everyday routines. School at home can help children grow more than just their academic skills; it can help them grow in their spiritual lives as well.

With the school year just around the corner, we know many parents are looking for more ideas to enhance their homeschool routine. We are here to help! Tyndale has six simple ways to add spiritual growth to the schedule and even has products to help you!

1. Devotional Books

Starting the school day with a devotion is a great way to encourage your kids to spend time with Jesus. Incorporating devotional books into your daily routine allows kids to form deeper, more meaningful relationships with God while also learning more about the Bible. By forming this habit, kids will grow to know the importance of daily time with God. Tyndale offers many devotional books with content kids will be able to understand and grow from, either alone or with a parent.

The One Year Devotions for Kids includes a story, application questions, memory verse, and action phrase for each day. This is a great first devotional book for young kids to grow their personal relationship with God.

Click here to shop more devotionals for kids. 

2. Memorization 

Memorizing Bible verses is one of the best ways to equip your kids with biblical knowledge. Having Bible verses in their mental toolbox allows them to always have truth to combat stressful situations and provide comfort and hope in times of need. Memorizing helps kids learn the Bible and what it says about who God is as well as what it says about who they are as God’s children.

Topical Memory System for Kids: Be like Jesus is a game designed to help your kids memorize Scripture. The Topical Memory System (TMS) has been proven to make memorization easier and is the foundation of this game! Inside you will find tear-out memory verse cards, devotion-like guides to help kids understand the Bible, discussion questions, and more!

3. Bible Stories

Storytelling from the Bible provides a break in the middle of a busy school day. By reading Bible stories with your kids, you are exposing them to the Word of God and bringing its themes to life. These stories offer great moral lessons based in biblical truth that encourage the reader to live more like Jesus!

Your kids will love our Top 50 series, including Top 50 Bible Stories about Jesus for Elementary! This workbook includes Bible stories, worksheets, memory verses, and discussion questions to make learning the Bible more engaging. These books allow parents to plan entire lessons and activities around the Bible.

4. Bible Crafts

Arts and crafts are a very important part of homeschooling children. Adding color to your kids’ academic day makes school more fun and engaging for everyone! Most homeschools for young kids encourage art and given the flexibility homeschooling provides, Bible-themed crafts are a great way to incorporate faith in your kids’ days. These activities encourage students to visualize the Bible and its themes and bring them to life!

The Super-Sized Book of Bible Craft Gifts include age-appropriate, quick and easy crafts and projects for your students. The book also includes a Bible story reference and memory verse with each craft. Check out this Super-Sized Book and more at Tyndale.com!

5. Prayer

Prayer is a very important part of raising young kids to walk in faith. Incorporating prayer into daily routines, including in school, teaches them that nothing is too big or small to bring to God. Taking time throughout the day to pray with your kids forms habits of bringing frustrations, fears, praises, and thanks to the Lord.

Raising Prayerful Kids is a tool to help parents fit prayer in their daily routines. This book includes stories from the authors as well as prayer activities and games to make prayer a part of your kids’ lives. Raising Prayerful Kids offers advice and ideas to make prayer less of a chore and more of a connecting and life-changing part of your child’s life.

6. Bible Reading

This one may seem obvious, but it is one of the most important! Reading the Bible with your kids on a daily basis encourages them in their personal faith journey and to spend time in the Word. Tyndale offers many Kids Bibles for every age and walk in life. If you are looking for a Bible to start reading with your student, click here.

The Hands-On Bible is an experience-based learning Bible that communicates God’s Word in an active and understandable way. This Bible offers hundreds of fun activities, fun facts, hero biographies, and more!

Looking for more basic homeschooling tips and tricks? We’ve got you covered! We know as parents you are already doing all you can for your kids, and homeschooling is just the tip of the iceberg. Check out these titles for more support and advice.

Modern Miss Mason is a book for mothers who are trying to do it all. Learn from Lea Boden’s story as a mom and home educator and about how the work of Charlotte Mason, a revolutionary voice in education, impacted her life. This book includes teaching methods, advice, and Charlotte Mason’s philosophy to encourage you in your role of educating your kids.

Everything You Need to Know about Homeschooling is a book packed with information and advice from home educator Lea Ann Garfias. This book is for anyone considering homeschooling children but who have no idea where to start. Finally, there’s a book that provides you with everything you need to tackle home education, Everything You Need to Know about Homeschooling is a great resource for parents.

This time of year can be overwhelming, so we hope these tips and products are helpful for you and your kids at home.