Make a Road Trip Activity Kit for Your Kids!

Like most kids, I grew up going on long car rides with my family. When things between my sisters and me got a little too rowdy, my dad would often announce that it was time to play Can’t Talk Until You See!

Can’t Talk Until You See was a more competitive version of Eye Spy, where one person would pick a clue (a green mailbox, the letter U, etc.) and everyone tried to be the first to find the item.

There was one major parental advantage to Can’t Talk Until You See: Everyone in the car had to be quiet until the clue was found.

My parents, the geniuses that they were, gamified silence. It wasn’t until my midtwenties that I realized this wasn’t a game that everyone played.

While I stand by the idea that Can’t Talk Until You See was an ingenious game, it’s never a bad idea to have something a little less competitive ready for long car rides.

 Bible Sleuth  :  Old Testament  and  Bible Sleuth: New Testament  are seek-and-find books featuring Mike, an adventurous kid who travels through time to observe some of the greatest stories of the Bible.

Each spread tells a Bible story and gives kids eight items to search for in the detailed illustrations.

It’s the perfect addition to any road trip activity kit!

To make an activity kit, find an inexpensive canvas bag that you can hang over the headrest of your car. You could even buy one for each of your kids and let them decorate it with fabric markers.

 Pack your activity kit with things like . . . 

  • A dollar store sheet pan, which can act as a canvas for magnetic letters or games
  • Washable markers, colored pencils, and a pencil sharpener (be careful of using crayons that might melt in hot cars)
  • Coloring books (like    this   one    by Ellen Elliott!)
  • Pipe cleaners or Wikki Stix
  • Small toys like race cars or finger puppets
  • Beads to be sorted or strung on necklaces
  • Sticker or activity books (    click here      to see some fun, faith-based examples!)
  • Paper for License Plate Bingo or other simple paper and pen games
  • A seek-and-find book like  Bible Sleuth: Old Testament  and  Bible Sleuth: New Testament 

 For more road trip entertainment for your little ones, head to