How Andrea Recovered from Her Addiction with the Life Recovery Bible

This story is from The Life Recovery Journey by Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed., and David Stoop, Ph.D.

My story is not unique. My childhood, sadly, was not unique. It was abusive—physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.

All that stuff. If you’ve been there, you know it creates heartache and pain that don’t subside.

That’s where the drugs came in and took me out of where I didn’t want to be.

I started using drugs when I was twelve years old.

The first thing I ever tried was a hit of acid, and it was on from there because it made me laugh and feel free, and I knew that’s what I wanted.

And so, from twelve years on, my life revolved around drugs in one way or another.

Still, I was known as a good girl. I lived a dual life.

At home I tried to be the peacekeeper, tried not to allow all the craziness to go on—the upending of dinner tables, the random punches, the pulling of knives.

That kind of stuff was everyday life in my household.

I learned to be the good girl, and that’s why, when I was doing drugs, I had to keep my good-girl face on so nobody would know what I was doing.

Trying to be two people at once creates a form of insanity in itself…

To read the rest of Andrea’s story, click HERE .

Do you or your loved ones struggle with addiction? The Life Recovery line, created by Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed., and David Stoop, Ph.D., offers life-changing resources for the Twelve Step journey. The Life Recovery Bible is today’s #1-selling recovery Bible with several companion products, including The Life Recovery Journey , Workbook , and Devotional.   Filled with inspiring stories and Biblical wisdom, they give hope to anyone wanting to walk closer with God through recovery, as well as for their counselors, pastors, and loved ones.

 Browse all products HERE .