Four Fun Ways to Help Your Kids Love the Bible

As Christian parents, we want our children to develop a love for Christ and know that the stories in His Word are true and still meaningful today.

So, how do you foster a love of God’s word in your children?

How do you encourage them to appreciate the Bible, make it applicable to real life, and continue to read it as they grow older?

Start when they are young!

Make the Bible come alive to them as you share stories that capture their imaginations and teach them about the character of God.

Kids love to interact with books and the stories they tell.

However, in this time of digital, interactive, and animated content, children expect to be entertained more than ever before.

Providing a way for them to learn more about God without staring at a screen of some kind is becoming much harder to do – but it is not impossible.

Below are some ways you can make learning about the Bible fun without the help of tablets, TV, or any other type of screen.

1. Find books that encourage your little ones to act out the stories you are telling. Watching them as they pretend to walk on water, or pretend to see for the first time will be fun for you and for them.

2. As you read through a book with your child, think about ways you can put the lessons learned into practice. Some examples would be taking dinner to a sick friend, cleaning up the neighbor’s yard, or sponsoring a child who needs help. Plan together and help others!

3. Create small craft projects that help them remember and engage with the stories you read together. Some craft ideas include:

a. Have them find as many pictures of bread and fish as they can, and glue them into “baskets” showing God’s provision for our needs like the time Jesus took care of the 5,000 hungry people who were listening to him teach.

b. Use brad fasteners to create a moveable scene retelling the parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites

c. Let them color Joseph’s coat of many colors with their own design

d. Be creative and come up with ideas of your own!

4. Find books that have creative formats that will engage your kids. And what is more fun than a book that is also a toy? Bouncy Bible Buddies are fun, interactive, engaging stories from the Bible written for kids 3-6 years old. The easy grip handles turn these lovable animals into carry along friends. Push the handle down to make them bounce! This creative and fun design will draw little ones in time after time and help them learn more about God’s word and His love for them. Daniel in the Lion’s Den and The Lost Sheep are available now!

T here are many benefits to sharing these experiences with your children.

You will build a stronger relationship as you spend time together, your child will learn to love God’s word, and who knows – you might even learn a few things yourself.