Focus on the Family Partners with Tyndale House Publishers

Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. Their main goal is to come alongside families with relevance and grace at each stage of their journey. Focus supports families as they seek to teach children about God and His beautiful design for family, protect themselves from harmful cultural influences, and equip themselves to make a greater difference in the lives of those around them.

Focus expresses that it does not matter who you are, what you’re going through, or what challenges your family may be facing, their goal is to help. With practical resources, such as counseling, websites, and books, they are committed to providing trustworthy, biblical guidance and support to all. Every time you purchase a Focus product, you are furthering their mission to help families thrive.

Visit Books to discover Focus on the Family’s newest novels and check out their Kids products.

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About Our Partnership

Focus on the Family is a ministry with different avenues to pursue their mission. One of the branches of this ministry is their involvement in publishing and their partnership with Tyndale House Publishers.

Focus and Tyndale forged an agreement to start a partnership and publish some of Focus’s books and resources. Tyndale’s role in this partnership is to lead the marketing for Focus on the Family. The objective of this marketing is not only to promote the selling of products but also to cast a vision for the ministry. Additionally, Tyndale handles PR campaigns, social media, shipping, and storing all printed units. Together, Focus and Tyndale partner on the production and design elements for each book. Both ministries work together to connect individuals or families in need with resources that offer help in finding their way through whatever challenges or struggles they may be facing.

Through this partnership, Tyndale and Focus further provide parents with biblical, character-based entertainment for young kids and faith-based books for adults that bring a new audience to Focus on the Family. This alliance shares a common goal, a common heart, and a common calling to be a light in the dark through their work of ministry and publishing.

Focus Books

Focus on the Family’s primary reason for ministry is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through a practical outreach to homes. They firmly believe in the Christian faith and the importance of family.

One of their many avenues to pursue this mission is through books. This partnership allows Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishers to come alongside one another and publish titles acquired by Focus, such as the Kingdom Line, for their audience. Together, they publish different topics, including marriage, parenting, faith, pro-life, young adult, personal growth, and various kids’ products. These books allow for growth and provide opportunities to spread the Word of God and the mission of Focus on the Family.

Book Categories

Focus Kids

In addition to the books that Focus publishes, they pour into different kids’ products, such as Imagination Station and Adventures in Odyssey, that bring moral and biblical principles to life. These stories give kids a fun and enjoyable way to have meaningful devotions and deepen their relationship with Jesus.

Family is one of Focus’s top priorities, and investing in a child’s faith is crucial in today’s world. Through the Partnership of Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishers, both companies can bring their missions to life and invest in families everywhere.

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