E-book Extra Summer Reading Tips

Guest post from E-book Extra Editor Jesse Doogan. Be sure to follow E-book Extra on Facebook and Twitter .

It’s summer vacation time, and there is no better feeling than leaving the real world behind with an e-reader packed with all the books you’ve been meaning to read. We’ve put together some tips to make your vacation e-reading experience as relaxing as possible.

Check your cords. There’s nothing worse than an e-reader with a dead battery. Make sure you have all your cords and adaptors, and see if you’ll need any kind of international adaptor.

Pack a power strip! Hotel rooms never seem to have enough outlets for everyone’s electronics. Pack a power strip or two and you won’t have to argue over any outlets. Bonus tip: bring an external battery with a mini USB port and you’ll never be stuck with a dead battery again.

Tablet or e-ink? Tablets are hard to read in the sunlight but easier to read in low light. E-ink devices are easy to read in bright lights, but you’ll need a reading light to read them in the dark. E-ink batteries last for days or even weeks, but tablet batteries only last a few hours. E-ink devices are distraction-free because they can only be used for reading, but tablets can also be used for games or movies in your hotel room. Weigh your options and see what will work best for you!

Bring a baggie. There are all sorts of water-proof cases for e-readers and tablets out there, but a large zip-top freezer bag works just as well for a few pennies. You’ll still be able to use your touch screen through the bag, and you can even feed your headphones through the zip-top if you need to.

Take your book light! Don’t have a back-lit reader? Foregoing the tablet? A regular old book light can clip on to your e-reader so you aren’t dependent on dim lighting in hotel or guest rooms.

Browse your own bookstore. Stopping in at new bookstores is one of the perks of travel, but you can replicate the feeling on the road by sending yourself first chapter samples from your favorite e-bookseller. Flip through them until you find something you like, and then purchase and download.

Use e-book deals to stock up. Maybe the book you were looking forward to just isn’t working for you, or maybe you have more time on your hands than you think. Look for e-book deals and freebies like the ones we offer through E-Book Extra for an inexpensive way to make sure you don’t run out of reading material!

Don’t forget to download! So you’ve found the perfect book, and you even bought some extras. Don’t forget to download them to your device! You never know when you’re going to have Wi-Fi access on the road.

Want a brand new e-reader to take with you on all your summer adventures? Enter here to win a Kindle!


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