Be the Mom…and Other God Appointed Opportunities {Guest Post}

Today we have a guest post from Tracey Lanter Eyster, author of  Be the Mom . She shares some background behind the book and information about a new Bible study she co-wrote with MOPS president, Sherry Sherratt, which is being released in conjunction with the new movie,  Moms’ Night Out

There are many of us who struggle to determine just what it is that God has put us on this planet to accomplish for His glory.  I learned early on that my spiritual gift was the gift of encouragement and though I had grown up a very bashful quiet listener, I embraced His prompting to encourage.  I slowly began to realize that my voice used by Him to encourage others actually bolstered my “fear not” muscle and I learned to speak truth, trust and obey!

I have always liked to write and create story, but initially that was something I did just for me.  Few people had ever read the words that filled journals, spiral notebooks and word documents.

Once I became a mom words were my processing mechanism as I was faced with new unchartered territory.  It was out of love and concern for the future mother my daughter would become that I began to write in earnest what I was learning as a mom.  I was finding that motherhood brought with it challenges that proved to be an assault on self, which could lead to some serious attitude problems.

Only God would allow what I initially wrote for my daughter to become a heartfelt plea to moms through Tyndale publishing Be The Mom.  The process of molding those words and finding my true writing voice was a joy and privilege!  I have heard from moms the world over whose lives and homes have been changed for good and for God’s glory after they read my words.  Be The Mom – Overcome Attitude Traps and Enjoy Your Kids , very much teaches moms that their attitude towards motherhood has a lot to do with their ability to embrace their role as mom.  The book gently guides moms to seek God and His plans for their lives and to run to Him when they become overwhelmed!  Attitude is a universal language and once a mom gets that her daily life and the lives of those in her home are affected in large measure upon her attitude…positive life change occurs.

My greatest joy since writing the book are the emails, notes and letters I receive from moms who pour their heart out and share that God has used my heartfelt words to bring them closer to Him and afforded them the blessed ability to raise their children with joy filled days!

Since writing Be The Mom many other doors have opened and I have been blessed to speak at writing, blogging and women’s events across the country.  My favorite part of attending those events is connecting with, talking to and encouraging moms!  (That should come as no surprise!)  I have also been published in various print magazines and on-line blog sites.  Surprisingly the once bashful me has found that being on radio programs is a niche that I am comfortable with and gifted in as I have been a featured guest on several Christian radio programs.  My before unknown radio prowess has led to me becoming a co-host on a syndicated radio broadcast that is titled Encouragement Café.  Yeah, right!  How cool is God?

I was beyond blessed early this year when I received a phone call from LifeWay who after years of “wanting” to write a Bible Study for moms, felt now was the time and they asked me to be a part of the project! Sherry Sherratt, the President of MOPS and I have just co-written a Bible Study for moms titled Beautiful Mess – Motherhood for Every Moment!   This Bible Study is being released in conjunction with the new Erwin Brothers movie Moms’ Night Out .

It has been great fun partnering with the marketing team behind Moms’ Night Out and creating video for them as well as blog posts for their website .  Be on the look out for this amazing movie (with well known actors) that truly is the movie I have been waiting for someone to make!

I have spent two decades serving moms in ministry, seven years in the online space and truly I am beyond excited about God’s desire to minister to the hearts of moms, that they might understand the high calling of motherhood!   Now is the time – go God!

Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that God could use me in the ways He is and all that is happening is because of Him and for His glory.  I am gratefully able to embrace what God has made this woman to be and the bashful girl that stepped up to encourage is celebrating that God allows me to encourage on a broader scale through the doors He chooses to open!  With wobbling knees I am walking through each one fully dependent upon Him.

What has God called you to do…on wobbling knees?  I suggest you go for it – He is able!

Tracey Eyster   ( @MomBlog ) is dedicated to helping other moms realize that every MOMent counts! Her trademark enthusiasm, encouragement, and “get it done with a smith” attitude have afforded her opportunities for speaking, volunteerism, and travel throughout the United States and abroad. She is the creator/editor of, a website where she has gathered a diverse group of moms who are as fervent as she is about equipping others to thrive in their daily MomLife.