Are You in the Mood for Thanksgiving?

This devotional is from the
One Year Impact for Living Devotional
by  Nathan Whitaker  and  Scott Whitaker .

I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.   Philippians 4:12‑13

It may be that the mood of the day is still being painted by the memory of that man holding a sign of protest on the street corner. Maybe it lingers by the headlines in today’s news about continuing trouble in the Middle East. Maybe the mood of the day is painted by the lingering confusion and rubble of storms that have hit various parts of our nation and people. Or maybe it’s just the seemingly insurmountable mountains in our lives.

And yet it’s Thanksgiving time. As we enter this holiday season, I can’t help but believe that no matter where we find ourselves, a mood of honest reflection will serve to remind us to embrace moments of thankfulness and give us a reason for hope. We can be reminded of these truths:

  • In the midst of our daily discouragements, disappointments, and failings, God’s blessings are all around us—in a beautiful sunrise bursting with promise for the day, a newborn baby’s cry, a grandma’s wrinkled smile as she wraps her arms around her precious grandchildren, a table full of food, or a blazing sunset gracing our sitting together one more time as family and friends.
  • We are blessed with true friends, who remain friends through everything, even the hard times.
  • We can make the most of the time we have with our families. I was reminded of that again by a note from my granddaughter Hannah during a visit a number of years ago. The envelope was decorated with shamrocks, and the note inside was adorned with four hearts—blue, orange, purple, and green—and the following words: “Can we eat thanksgiving food together? I hope we can. I can’t wait to see you next time I do.”

My hope for you and your family—for all of us—is that we might not only be reminded anew of those moments and people for which we should be thankful, but that in the midst of whatever our week and day will bring, we will embrace with grateful hearts those fresh moments of blessing provided by the One who knows us best and loves us most.

IMPACT APPLICATION: In the midst of all the other moods being painted around us in our lives, nation, and world—paint instead a mood of thanksgiving and appreciation for all the blessings in your life. Paint such a mood that for today and the rest of your life it will carry you victoriously through each day and into the hope of all your tomorrows.


The One Year Impact for Living Men’s Devotional

How will your life impact your family, your community, and the world? Will you leave emotional wreckage in your wake? Or will you lead the people around you to something greater and better?

All of us have been created by God for impact—a unique impact in this world. But too often we’re distracted from the eternal significance of our actions by the more alluring paths of power, wealth, image, and status. This daily devotional will help you to focus on your eternal legacies—what you can do each day by understanding your God-given purpose, potential, passion, and platform.

This is a perfect One Year gift to inspire and motivate the man in your life!