Yes, it is Okay to Ask God the Tough Questions

You’re a new believer or a longtime Christ follower, and you have questions—big questions you want to ask God.

It doesn’t matter what stage of your spiritual journey you are in; there are always thoughts and questions that pop up, possibly even surprising us, that we just do not know how to answer. But they’re also the sort of thoughts that might challenge the authority of God, Jesus, or the Bible.

Are these thoughts acceptable? Yes.

Are you able to ask God your questions, even if you think they’re questions that he wouldn’t like? Yes.

Will you be judged for wanting to ask God tough questions? No.

Are there any reasons to be afraid to ask God your questions? No.

You’re actually invited to ask God questions, to put before him all that is on your heart. God is not afraid of any thoughts you may have, for he is the Almighty who can and will answer any question you may have about God, the Bible, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

So long as your question comes from a genuine place and you’re really prepared to hear his answer, there are no questions you can ask God that are off-limits.

From our friends at WAY Nation, country music artist Hunter Hayes talks about the big questions he had to ask God, like if God makes mistakes.

Our insecurities can cause us to ask God why. Why am I like this? Why did you create me this way? Why don’t you make this situation go away? Especially when we’re wrapped up in our own perceived weaknesses and flaws, it can seem like God is far from us. It’s natural to ask God what’s going on.

But the truth is, God will never abandon you. He is always there for guidance and, yes, you can ask God anything. He already knows what’s on your heart and, by lifting your questions and prayers to him, you’re demonstrating true faith in him. When you ask God any question, even one you might be afraid to pose, he knows your faith and is pleased to help you answer those big, tough questions.

So go ahead, ask God whatever you need an answer to. He is always willing to speak.

And remember: God is perfect, all the time. So, no, you’re not a mistake, and he did not—he cannot—make any mistakes in creating you. You are “wonderfully complex” and his “workmanship is marvelous” (Psalm 139:14 NLT)!

Want to know more about the HelpFinder Bible NLT featured in the WAY Nation video? Click here to see it.>>

Need help with prayer? Check out this blog post for all the tips you need to pray and get results!>>