Download Free Coloring Pages from Picturing Heaven

Download Free Coloring Pages from Picturing Heaven

The subject of Heaven gripped my interest when my mother was dying of cancer in 1981. As I’ve studied and spoken on this topic over the years, it’s become clear that many in the church haven’t yet fully grasped what Scripture teaches. Most Christians are familiar with the present Heaven, the place where we as believers in Jesus go to live when our physical bodies die.

Yet when the Bible promises Heaven, it also promises something bigger and everlasting, when God will resurrect our bodies and the earth. God Himself will come down to live with us forever—on the New Earth (Revelation 21:3). This is the ultimate Heaven that God’s people eagerly anticipate: “We are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13).

Heaven 1

People can only look forward to what they can imagine, what they can picture in their mind’s eye. Unfortunately, many have vague, dreary, and unbiblical notions that cause them to dread Heaven rather than long for it. The more tangible the New Earth becomes to us, the more we’ll look forward to it.

That’s perhaps the greatest value of my new coloring book devotional, Picturing Heaven. Coloring the imagery—trees, lakes, animals, and people enjoying a redeemed creation—will help you develop a vital view of the magnificent New Earth God is preparing for us!

Heaven 2

As you ponder the pictures and participate in the art, you’ll more fully appreciate Christ’s promise—not of a ghostly existence, but of resurrected bodies and minds in a fantastically beautiful, resurrected universe ruled by Jesus, the King of kings, our Savior and Lord.

My prayer is that Picturing Heaven will serve as both a creative expression and a spiritual inspiration. My hope is that the art, the Scripture, and my brief devotional thoughts will broaden your perspective, increase your hope, and nourish your faith.

Perhaps one day when you’re with Jesus, you’ll look around and say, “This is what I imagined while coloring Picturing Heaven—and it’s way better than I dreamed!”

~Randy Alcorn

Click the image below to download three spreads from Picturing Heaven!