Flipside Stories: Teaching Kids the Importance of Different Perspectives

Flipside Stories: Teaching Kids the Importance of Different Perspectives

The Bible is so much more than just a collection of stories. It is an overarching view of God’s love for us from the beginning of time. And every character in every Biblical narrative has their own perspective on what happened. For instance, have you ever wondered what that big fish was thinking when he swallowed Jonah? And how was that one little lost lamb feeling when he couldn’t hear the shepherd? Then there is Zacchaeus; what was on his mind when Jesus stopped under the tree to talk to him? Dandi Mackall has brought a new twist to Bible stories, telling them from two different viewpoints. Read one side then flip the book over for another perspective on the events.

Flipside stories help teach children the importance of realizing that there is always more than one side to every story, providing great teaching moments for parents as they encourage their children to remember that their view of a situation or person is not always complete. As we acknowledge and value the experiences of others, we learn to view the world from another perspective, understand others better, and broaden our appreciation for the differences God has created in each of us.

Check out these interiors from Jonah and the Fish!



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Take a look at The Lost Lamb and the Good Shepherd and Zacchaeus and Jesus for more Flipside Stories!