1. Do you believe Lisa-Jo when she says, “You are much braver than you think”? Why or why not?

2. What parts of motherhood intimidated you in the past? Do they still intimidate you?

3. Lisa-Jo describes giving birth as sacred. What moments in your own life would you describe as sacred?

4. On page 19, Lisa-Jo writes, “Our DNA is born from our stories as much as from our mothers.” Do you agree with her? Why or why not?

5. What moments in your life have you wanted to “stop pushing” to keep them from being over?

6. The theme of dancing appears regularly throughout Lisa-Jo’s narrative. Is there an action or a metaphor that has been woven into your story?

7. What insecurities do you carry based on something that was said (or not said) by someone close to you?

8. On page 29, Lisa-Jo writes, “Moving forward is usually impossible without first going back.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

9. Church was a constant for Lisa-Jo as she grew up. When you feel like you are unraveling, where do you turn for comfort and community?

10. Describe a time when someone’s well-meaning advice turned into judgment? How did you respond in that situation?

11. On page 41, Lisa-Jo mentions the inscription on her invisible sandwich board: “MY BRAIN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING YOUR BABIES.” If you had a sandwich board, what would yours say?

12. Through which people has God shown His love for you?

13. Lisa-Jo writes, “The gospel lives . . . in the messy chaos of opening up our lives to others” (page 71). How have you seen the truth of this statement in your life?

14. Lisa-Jo writes about how her body has changed over the years. How would you describe the road map of your body from your youth to where you are now?

15. Faith plays a vital role in Surprised by Motherhood. What role does faith play in your own story?

16. Lisa-Jo says, “The only way through is through.” When has this been true in your life?

17. When have you had to say no to yourself and yes to someone else?

18. On page 100, Lisa-Jo writes that she “had confused faith in God with faith in what God could do for her.” When have you experienced a similar confusion?

19. Describe a “season of slow” in your life (see page 114).

20. On pages 128–129, Lisa-Jo describes how as a parent, she began to understand how God feels for her. How have you experienced God as a heavenly parent?

21. Has God ever used another person to reveal to you the truth about yourself, as He did for Lisa-Jo through her son Micah? How did you respond?

22. In what ways is God writing a story in your life that encompasses all the things you desire (relationships, children, passion, work, creativity)?

23. If you looked back over your life, how can you see God preparing a future for you, spun from your DNA and His spirit?

24. On page 190, Lisa-Jo writes, “God is always pouring more of his own life into our lives.” How do you see this truth played out in Lisa-Jo’s story? How does it play out in yours?

25. Lisa-Jo’s father and her husband, Peter, play significant roles in her story, helping give her wings. Are there men in your life who have given you wings?

26. In what ways is South Africa a character in Lisa-Jo’s story?

27. How would you describe the Lisa-Jo at the beginning of the book to the woman at the end? How does she change? In what ways does she stay the same? How is she truly surprised by motherhood? What stages of life have surprised you?



