The Ultimate Prescription
James L. Marcum, Charles Mills

Questions for Further Thought or Discussion

1. Dr. Marcum says that we are so caught up in what tastes good, feels good, and seems good that we have lost sight of what really is good (pg. xii). Do you agree with his assessment? If so, in what ways do you get caught up in this mentality?
2. How has the media influenced your character, ideals, mind, or health?

Chapter 1
1. What is your reaction to Dr. Marcum’s statement that the world believes modern medicine can fix anything?
2. How do you feel that modern medical technology as described on pages 6-7 affects how you think about your health? Do you agree that there is a downside to advancing technology? Why or why not?

Chapter 2
1. Where do you get your information about how to have a healthy lifestyle? Who sets the standard for health in your life?
2. Dr. Marcum writes that the concept of food as a stressor may be new to some people. How might food be a stressor?

Chapter 3
1. How do you think society would be different if we focused on creating products specifically and intentionally aimed at good health?
2. Dr. Marcum states that “we were created to live in a perfect, love-filled world” (pg. 24). Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? If this is true, what effect do you think that has on our health?

Chapter 4
1. What stressors, hidden or not, are affecting your health? What are some steps you could take to change this?
2. Do you understand how we can be led into stress without even realizing it?

Chapter 5
1. Dr. Marcum talks about how medications are perceived to have healing powers. Why do you think this has become a common belief?
2. Do you see a connection between religious activities and your health? Why or why not?
3. In what ways could a relationship with Jesus Christ improve your health?

Chapter 6
1. Dr. Marcum says that stress occurs when we live contrary to the original plan (pgs. 47-48). Are there ways in which you are living contrary to the original plan? If so, how?
2. In what ways have you not trusted God before but could start trusting Him now?
3. How do you respond to the story of the physics professor’s test (pgs. 50-53)? How does this story relate to your health?
4. In what ways are you on course with God’s Health Plan? In what ways do you need to improve?

The Ultimate Prescription
James L. Marcum, Charles Mills

Chapter 7
1. Dr. Marcum asks the question “Are you living in a physical, mental, or spiritual ‘black hole’?” (pg. 58). How would you answer this question?
2. Like the worried woman waiting for her family to get home (pg. 58), how has the light of God’s love affected your life and/or your health?

Chapter 8
1. When was the last time you took a deep breath? What stress in your life keeps you from breathing well?
2. How often do you “dilute” God? What is the result?

Chapter 9
1. Does food advertising influence your nutrition? Why or why not?
2. How has eating healthful foods had a positive impact on your mental and spiritual well-being?
3. Dr. Marcum states that healthy thoughts, commonsense exercise, focused worship, and loving hearts are also parts of building and maintaining optimum health. How do these play a part in your health plan?
4. How can healthy habits turn into idols in your life?
5. Of Dr. Marcum’s thirteen practical suggestions (pgs. 89-91), which do you struggle with the most? Why?

Chapter 10
1. What is your reaction to Dr. Marcum’s statement that sunlight is a biblical prescription?
2. How much sleep do you require to feel rested? What keeps you from getting the adequate sleep you need?

Chapter 11
1. In what ways is music a part of your life?
2. Dr. Marcum mentions that God doesn’t always use instruments or voices to bring about his purpose. What sounds bring healing or calm to your life?
3. When was the last time you sang praises to God? How did you feel during/after?

Chapter 12
1. Dr. Marcum states that God wanted Adam to experience a sense of ownership, responsibility, and love in naming every living creature. How does God want that for you?
2. What activities do you do that are good for your health?
3. In what ways do you invite God into your health/exercise plan?

Chapter 13
1. How often do you observe a day of rest? How could having a day of rest affect your health? Your faith?
2. What activities could you participate in to maintain God’s seven-day cycle?
3. Dr. Marcum uses sports as an example of something that can be worshiped. What do you worship? How does this get in the way of your relationship with God?

The Ultimate Prescription
James L. Marcum, Charles Mills

Chapter 14
1. Of the eight deceptions Dr. Marcum describes (pgs. 143-149), which is hardest for you to believe? Why?
2. Do you see examples of what Dr. Marcum calls the “ripple effect” in your life? In your health?

Chapter 15
1. When you think about your overall health, whose message do you think you listen to more: God’s or society’s? Why?
2. What lies are you listening to that affect your health?
3. How is Dr. Marcum’s statement that “choice is a product of love not dominion” evident in your life?

Chapter 16
1. How do you respond to the statement “Lies believed break the circle of love and trust. This leads to a spirit of fear, selfishness, and rebellion” (p. 163)?
2. Do you feel that you are running from the One True Healer? Why or why not?

Chapter 17
1. In what ways do you live your life in fear?
2. What things or people in your life do you love? How has this love affected your health?
3. How have you seen love to be a healing element in your life?

Chapter 18
1. What are some ways God has revealed His love for you personally?
2. Dr. Marcum states that “when we love others, when we make them laugh, when we help them along life’s way, we are giving them a great prescription.” How are you doing this for the people in your life?
3. Do you believe that serving others can change your chemistry and bring healing to the body?
